1:1 Coaching Journey
You’re invited to a personalized Coaching & Messaging Journey for coaches, creatives and change-making entrepreneurs to generate income and deep impact through your business. Create clients naturally with playful (Un)Marketing and by sharing your heart’s message.

This Is For You If:

You’re a coach, service-based entrepreneur or creative with a project.

You’d love to write, speak, teach and share what you know.

You’re ready to throw out the “rules” of sales and marketing.

You’re spiritual (not religious) and open to exploring infinite possibilities.
“A map of my own wild path that could only come from inside – not a rigid ‘approved’ map by society’s standards – but rather one that is unfolding, alive, and changing.”
Natalie Ross Earth Speak Media
Your journey will be completely unique, but here are some milestones for our adventure:

Deepen into the Truth of who you are and connect to your inner guidance.
We’ll explore the Truth, not your personal truth for you, but rather what’s true for all humans.
You’ll discover who who you are beyond your mind, personality, thoughts, and body, and we’ll explore how our experience as humans is created. It’s a conversation about the Truth what IS, whether we believe it or not, whether we feel it or not.
Once you see the Truth, it changes you forever. This is the path of effortless change.
Most of my client-playmates begin with a Intensive 3-day experience (either in person or remote) based in the Three Principles understanding, where we invite life-changing insights and set a powerful foundation for our work/play moving forward.

Drop the pressure, hustle and rules of Business-As-Usual.
Leave behind the pressure to “get things done,” and discover the intuitively-led Flow of being, where old patterns fall away naturally.
You’ll connect to your inner wisdom for navigating every situation and deepen your trust in its real-time guidance. As we explore any stuckness, you’ll settle into the space where you’re okay, whether the money is up or down, whether or not you feel afraid, and find the source of true safety.
We’ll use conversation, story and wondering to open up new possibilities for ease and flow.

Re-envision your business with joyful offers, services and just-enough structure, led by wisdom and play.
You’ll break out of perceived limitations to clarify your vision, embrace new possibilities, and weave them into a one-of-a-kind business. We’ll bend, break or reinvent the “rules” as necessary.
We’ll explore what it looks like to do business your way — simple, inspiring and wisdom-led. You’ll create new transformational experiences, coaching programs, courses, retreats or books for the people you love to serve.
Creative exercises, stories, visualizations, experiments and wonder-filled conversations allow you to access more of who you are and channel it into your business.

Share a message that transforms lives as it creates clients.
Together, we may craft offers, stories and copy to communicate what you REALLY do and attract clients who don’t need convincing.
I’ll ask lots of curious questions to tap the power of your message. You’ll clarify and articulate the transformational journey of your clients, your Contrarian Voice of Wisdom, and your Unique Methodology so that your service is a no-brainer investment for your soulmate clients.
We may use my templates for client-creating offers and content, or I’ll create new ones just for you.

(Un)Market your business and connect with your community.
You’ll discover your voice, the story that wants to be told through you, and how to share it authentically.
We toss out the rules, and flow with the strategies and rhythm that are alive for you. You’ll connect to your community without manipulative marketing and create impact with your message.
Most importantly, you’ll have a deeper experience of the peace and well-being that sustains you through the ups and downs of life.
Ready to Explore? Tell Me What Inspires You.
Please know, I’m not your typical business coach.
I won’t tell you what to do. I don’t believe in one-size-fits-all systems or strategies, and I won’t limit what’s possible by guaranteeing specific results.
(You will have tangible results beyond what we can imagine, by the way.)
My client-playmates know something Big is ready to come through them, and that the hustle and scarcity that got them success in the past isn’t going to cut it now. They often feel uncertainty, overwhelm and fear.
Can I really do this?
Can I trust myself?
YES, YOU CAN.The simple answer is trusting in your inner guidance every step of the way, one small action at a time, fully connected to your potency and gifts.
I’ve helped 100’s of entrepreneurs create one-of-a-kind businesses they love and irresistible messaging that creates impact and financial abundance…without compromising their values or working their butts off.
I won’t teach you MY way, but I will joyfully help you discover your own.
Let’s have a playful chat and see what emerges!

“Steph is a rule-breaker and a wild untamed soul. She has a gift of ‘tickling your soul.’ Her pure presence is a ‘space/ invitation’ to break all your made-up rules. What opens up is a sheer fun playful exploration of life & business from the inside out.”
Muddassir Altaf (Coach, Writer & Life explorer)
How much and how does it work?
This journey includes 1:1 coaching sessions via Zoom, and worksheets, writing exercises and assignments, as desired. Plus, you’ll have virtually unlimited email access to me.
The investment for your coaching journey depends upon the duration of our agreed upon adventure (3-12 months) and ranges from $3,000 – $10,000 with payment plans available, and most clients spending in mid-four figures for this designed-just-for-you experience. Scholarships and sliding scale payments are available based on need with preference given to BIPOC* and LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Past client results include: raising prices (and getting them easily!); 2x income with reduced hours; selling a brand new course, workshop or retreat; creating client-attracting content and offers with ease; greater impact with clients.
Warning: you may fall deeply in love with your business and your life in the process. 💖
*Black Indigenous People of Color
If this sounds intriguing, tell me what you’d love to create, and we’ll have a playful chat.
“While I was struggling to connect the 5 pieces of my jigsaw when I contacted you, I am now dancing on my scientific part and creative, artistic part…I have seen is that where FUN is, FUNDS flows. 🙂 “
Isabelle Caratti, Transformative Coach & Storyteller
“I felt like I was boxed in with my therapy license. Since our work together I have embraced my degree and license. I have big dreams of courses, retreats, hypnosis recordings in float tanks and who knows what else! I have the energy to put toward creating my business my way now. My projected income for this year is more than 2x my income from before. I definitely got my money’s worth and a lot more!”