Adventures on the Blog
Stories, (Un)Marketing experiments, inspiring conversations and spiritual business

Living With the Death of a Pet
For most of my adult life, I lived with a household full of animals. Three cats and two (big) dogs was the norm. This is one of my favorite photos of the animal crew begging back in my carnivore days. Animals bring so much joy to my life that even now with a lifestyle...

Can You Have a Business Without Social Media?
When Facebook hit the mainstream, I wanted nothing to do with it. "It's just a waste of time," I said. Meanwhile, my now ex-husband became quite the social media butterfly. The short form media was perfect for his quippy comments and sarcasm. But all my...

How Travel Will (and Won’t) Change Your Life
Last week, I received an invitation for a pet sit in a nearby town in Portugal. My listing on has over 35 five-star reviews from sits in multiple countries, and when someone searches for a pet sitter based in Portugal, I’m at the top of the...

If You Care About What Other People Think
I know what you’re thinking right now. Don’t believe me? I can prove it to you. *Imagine me with my eyes closed, fingertips on my temples, making a sound like a cross between a baby whale and a chainsaw* There! I’ve got it. You’re thinking… …of a calico cat wearing...

How to Spend More Time In Nature
In the REFLECT program, we reviewed our past year and noticed our peak experiences. For many of us, time in nature ranks high. Nature seems to encourage feelings of gratitude and awe at the bigness of life, and the smalless of us. For me, it’s lounging and moving on...

Chasing Happiness
Once there was a girl called Prudence. She was a practical young lady, raised to be dependable and hard working, who prided herself on the ability to get things done. She set goals to earn her PhD and run a marathon, so that she could show everyone that she was the...

How to Become Unstoppable No Matter What
This question comes up repeatedly with clients: “I know what I want to do, and I have the information to do it, but I’m stuck. How can I break through and just Do the Thing?” In my experience, breakthrough comes easily and naturally when 1) there is a sincere desire...

What Ken Wilber Taught Me About Who I Really Am
Ken Wilber was born on this day, January 31, 1949. Ken Wilber is an American philosopher, writer and theorist on transpersonal psychology perhaps best known for his own Integral Theory and contributions to Spiral Dynamics. Thinking of Ken Wilber takes me down the...
Let’s have a Wild Creation chat!
Tell me what lights you up, where you’re flummoxed, and how I can help. We’ll set off for a conversation that surprises and delights us both.