Quiet Impact to Transform Lives and Create Lasting Change

Is making a positive difference in the lives of others important to you?
(It's important to me, too.)
When you show up authentic and present with a person you’d like to help, it’s a natural catalyst for lasting transformation, and leaves you energized instead of drained.

Catalyst (noun)
  1.  a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction but is not used up in the reaction. especially: such a substance that speeds up a reaction or enables it to proceed under milder conditions.
  2. a person or event that quickly causes change or action.

If your life has been profoundly transformed by an insight or understanding, it’s natural that you’d want to share it with others.

Yet sharing our experience of transformation can leave us feeling inadequate by comparison to our mentors and teachers.

After all, who am I to share this when others can do it better? How can I help others when I’m still learning myself?

It can feel difficult to translate an insight into words, and figuring out how to turn it into “marketing” can seem an impossibly awkward endeavor.

And yet, the call to ease the journey for clients and loved ones, to somehow convey what you know will make the biggest difference for them, keeps urging you forward.

In this CATALYZE experience, we’ll gather as a group to explore the most profound space of transformation and how it’s through doing less that your presence becomes more impactful. In order to do this for others, we need to do this for ourselves, and that’s what will happen in the sweetness of this connected community.
Transformational work with clients was draining, until I discovered the catalyzing power of Quiet Impact.
When I first started coaching, it felt hard.

After each conversation, I was tired and drained. I limited myself to no more than three conversations a day, and even that often felt like too much.

I adapted my schedule to handle the strain. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays were reserved for coaching.

“No Meeting Wednesdays” offered a mid-week reprieve because by the end of day on Tuesday, I was desperate for a break!

Then three years ago, something shifted.

I took an online coach training program over the weekend in which we had a firsthand experience of what I now call Quiet Impact.

Quiet impact refers to a stillness within your mind that is felt by the person you’re helping. It doesn’t mean “quiet” in terms of silence (although it often involves silence and listening) but it is never difficult or taxing. Even when it’s disruptive, Quiet Impact is a loving experience for everyone involved.

The weekend itself was relaxing and left me with a lovely, warm feeling.

It wasn’t until the end of the following week that I realized “No Meeting Wednesday” had come and gone without my noticing. I didn’t feel exhausted or drained.

How could this be? I always needed my Wednesday break!

I watched myself over the next week and sure enough, I wasn’t tired by Wednesday. Suddenly, the conversations I was having were no longer exhausting. In fact, I had more energy!

While I didn’t consciously change anything about the way I was coaching, the unnecessary tension in my conversations dropped away.

Without realizing it, I’d been overthinking and “trying” to help. Simply realizing from firsthand experience that deeper impact, Quiet Impact, was available, the tension fell away.

These days, coaching usually feels like meditation; leaving me relaxed and refreshed afterward.

In a world where we’re told that the key to better results is working hard and pushing faster, doing less is heresy.

And yet, when we have less on our minds, not only is our job as a helper or guide more enjoyable, we’re vastly more effective.

Sometimes we truly have no idea how much pressure we’re creating until we stop.

You’re invited to join me for a taste of this deep, easeful impact – or to sink in deeper if you’ve already touched it – in this new CATALYZE experience.

And that's exactly why I made CATALYZE for you.

This program is for you if you want to:

  • Stack the deck for transformation with clients, loved ones or friends

  • Create experiences of deep impact and lasting transformation

  • Find deep enjoyment in the process of helping and guiding others

You don’t need to wait to create an impact with others.

You don’t need certifications or even years of experience.

Yes, you can (and will!) absolutely improve your skills as a coach, consultant or guide over time, but the deepest impact in any interaction happens when your insecurities fall away and you show up as your true self.

Why you might love to join me...
Quiet Impact changes lives. Including yours.
It touches your life first, from within.

The deeper you go, the deeper you can help others go. The more you see for yourself, the more impactful you’ll be as a guide.

Quiet Impact transforms lives because it points us back to the source of everything we’re looking for, the Space Within.

Your desire to help others makes a difference. Here and now.
Have you ever been inspired or helped by someone when you needed it most?

Our teachers, guides and mentors – the ones who catalyzed life-changing impact for us – were responding to a call to help just like the one you feel right now. They may never know how much their care has touched us, but we’ll never forget them.

Don’t underestimate the impact and power of what you’re moved to share with others.
Quiet Impact makes you a more effective guide who delivers better results.
This CATALYZE program will help you discover a deeper, more impactful presence.

As we show up for each other, you’ll see more of the difference you’re here to share.

The more peace and well-being you discover for yourself, the deeper your impact with those you help. What deepens your grounding, helps you depend theirs.
“The year working with Stephanie has been SO transformational. I have seen and experienced amazing personal and professional growth. She is so skilled, thoughtful, nonjudgemental , and fun. This is one of the best investments you could ever make, and I cannot recommend her enough.”

Lydia Leclair, Photographer
This program is for you if...
You're a coach, consultant, teacher, helper or you want to be.
You know the most powerful transformation comes from within, and you want to go deeper in creating these results with others.
You'd like helping to feel easier, lighter and more enjoyable for you and your clients.
You're ready to explore doing less in order to increase your impact.
You're willing to show up authentically and share with the group, with an open heart and mind.
program isn't for you if...
You're more interested in making money than impacting and helping others.
You're looking for processes, tools and hard skills to create more impact. This experience will focus on the fundamentals of transformation.
You think you've already learned everything about creating transformation. We're on a continuous journey of mastery.
You aren't willing to practice and share with an intimate community of helpers. This will require your active participation in experiments and exercises.
Here's how we'll flow
We’ll focus on the few, simple elements that create the greatest impact in catalyzing change.

Week 1

We’ll explore what presence is (and isn’t) and share a real experience of how powerful it is as a catalyst.

You’ll come away with greater comfort and ease in the simplicity of your own presence and inviting others to join you in a more present state of mind.
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Week 2

You’ll learn the four types of listening and how to identify how you’re listening so that you can go deeper.

We’ll spend time together in relaxed, deep listening to get a firsthand experience of impact, which you’ll then carry on into your interactions with others afterwards.
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Week 3

Regardless of your experience or skill, you’re always at your best with less on your mind, in a state of relaxed engagement and being yourself.

We’ll experiment with showing up in conversation simply as yourself doing what occurs to you, and notice how this invites others to do the same, and just how powerful it is.

You’ll take this experiential learning into your helping relationships with others.
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Week 4

While you can’t make someone be impacted or experience insights, you can invite them into a conversation that stacks the deck in favor of lasting transformation.

We’ll explore the importance of context, relevance and permission, and the inevitability of insight when people are looking in the right direction (and sometimes even if they aren’t!)

You’ll discover a kindness and ease in helping others that makes your efforts more enjoyable and effective.
"Now I'm doing everything I wanted to do, but was always too afraid..."

"You gave me the permission slip I needed to have fun, make money and limitlessly create. Thank you for not having a formula...Hot damn this is living!!!"

- Sherryl Perry Gilligan

Here's what community members have said...
"What I love is the exploration. The answer of previously unconsidered questions. A space full of like-minded souls. Stephanie's beautiful energy, exuberance and thoughtful ponderings. It provides space for things to come through me." 

- Clare Downham

"I love the light and fabulous creativity you bring to your work and open up for us, and the sparkle that is you, Stephanie. You so spacious and allowing for everyone and supportive of who people are and what they want to create."

- Caroline Sherrard

Here's my intention for your CATALYZE experience...
Uncover the depth and ease of Quiet Impact in catalyzing lasting change for those you’re here to help
Increased confidence in sharing what you’ve seen that will make the biggest difference for others.
Greater relaxation, ease and increased energy in coaching, guiding or teaching others.
The ability to deliver more effective results for your clients with less effort.
An experience of deeper peace and clearer purpose in what you do to make a positive difference for others.
Knowing that being your real, genuine self is more than enough in any situation and with anyone.
Here are the Need-to-Know Details
What you'll get:
  • One 60 minute CATALYZE Meet & Greet zoom call
  • Four 90 minute Community CATALYZE experiences on zoom
  • Access to the private community (not on social media!) for chat and questions
  • Connect with a CATALYZE buddy for extra support and encouragement
  • Optional virtual CoWork Parties to get shit done with loving support

All the materials and recordings of our live sessions will be available for download and your own private use.

When is it?

We’ll meet live on Wednesdays for five consecutive weeks starting on May 22nd.


May 22*
May 29
June 5
June 12
June 19

TIME: 11am PDT / 2pm EDT / 7pm BST for 90 minutes (Convert to your timezone)

*May 22nd is only 60 minutes for our Welcome Call

What results can you expect?

You can expect to experience greater ease in helping others right away. As your presence and listening deepens, you’ll see better results for your clients and the journey with them will become easier.

You may also experience a deeper sense of peace and well-being personally, along with a clarity of how you’d like to help others and a natural confidence in the work you’re called to do.

How much is it?

The regular price for CATALYZE is $111.

I’ve set a low price to make this experience as affordable as possible, even though the value may actually be higher than anything I’ve offered before, because I want to encourage everyone to take this program. That’s how much I believe in the difference this experience will make to you and those you help.
Why work and play with me?
Learn with a lifelong explorer of transformation. 

Since I was a small child, I’ve been fascinated with how people think and what it means to be human. I became a seeker, a believer, an explorer of life, and that search inspired me to seek the answers in religion, poetry, yoga, psychology, personal development and coaching.

At some point, something woke up inside me. Now there isn’t a day when life doesn’t show me something new, fresh and miraculous. You won’t just learn from me; you’ll learn with me.

Impish delight and enthusiasm are my love languages.

Yes, we’ll be exploring the space of profound depth described by the poets, sages and mystics for centuries. But we won’t be doing it “seriously.”

We’ll find humor in the beautiful absurdity of our human existence, and make space for both our deepest desires and most ridiculous foibles. Laugh, love and go deeper together.

Magic and miracles are invited to the party. 

Frankly, I’m tired of being "realistic" about what to expect from an experience, especially this one. The truth is that I can’t know until I go there.

However, I’m devoted to inviting miracles, magic and inspiration into our every interaction. We’ll be asking to give and receive the impact we REALLY desire, not just what we think we can get.

When we show up with life like that, you never know what’s going to happen, and miracles are on the menu.
Here's what community members have said...

“As soon as I signed up I felt transformational magic entering my bones! The permission to slow down and play - opened new tabs in my brain. And I moved forward more in 4 weeks than in 4 years!!! I am grateful for Steph modelling how to slow down, how to listen for inspiration and how to play!!!” 

- Sally Ann Bentham 

I can trust myself 100% to know what the next step should be. And for me, that is incredibly huge. The main reason I’ve failed constantly is that I don’t go through with things I start, and I don’t go through because I don’t trust it’s the right thing to go through with. So for that, immense, immense gratitude. And with this trust in myself comes clarity. I really see now what I need to do, and because of that I have so much energy to actually do the things.”

- Lydia Jansen

I've answered the most common questions below; for any others, please get in touch.
Do I have to be a coach or consultant to do this program?
If you’d like to help others in any capacity, whether that’s as a coach, therapist, consultant, teacher or parent, CATALYZE will deepen your impact. You don’t have to be a helper in a professional capacity to experience benefit, and if you’re drawn to join us, please do!
What makes this different from other programs?
This is an experiential journey, rather than lectures or information. It's deliberately info-light and designed as a series of interactive workshops.

There are no "proven formulas" to follow. Rather, you'll be asked to listen to your own inner guidance and follow what you know to discover your own path, based on simple experiments and exercises that work for my clients.

Doing the actual work is built into the design of the program, making it practical and efficient, while you leverage the power of the community for creative and motivational support.
How much time will this take?
The weekly sessions require 90 minutes and you can take advantage of optional co-working times for reflecting and experimenting.

The CATALYZE program in particular will be spacious and light. Most of the “work” will come in the form of thought experiments and the conversations you’re already having in a helping capacity, so the time investment is limited to the live sessions.
What if I can't attend all the sessions live?
No worries! Our sessions will all be recorded and you can follow along from home on your own time.

If you can attend live, you'll get the additional benefit of community connection and support, but there's still plenty to enjoy and inspire.
How does the Buddy program work?
Having a Buddy is optional, but highly recommended. You'll be assigned a Buddy for the duration of the experience. Your job will be to check-in with each other via email, phone, zoom or chat in the community.

All you have to do is ask how it's going and see if they need any support. Simply having someone in your corner makes a surprisingly big difference when it comes to getting things done with ease!
How does the Buddy program work?
Having a Buddy is optional, but highly recommended. You'll be assigned a Buddy for the duration of the experience. Your job will be to check-in with each other via email, phone, zoom or chat in the community.

All you have to do is ask how it's going and see if they need any support. Simply having someone in your corner makes a surprisingly big difference when it comes to getting things done with ease!
How long will I have access to the program?
You'll have lifetime access to the audios and videos, as well as an invitation to participate in the experience again whenever we run it live in the community. You can also download the materials to keep and use whenever you like.
Join today and save 50% until we open on May 22nd!
CATALYZE Module Only
For entrepreneurs and creatives to deeper their impact with ease

one-time payment

Private community (not on social media!)
Community events, groups and buddy teams for 60 days

Upgrade to the IMPACT membership any time.
IMPACT Membership
For entrepreneurs and creatives playing the game of impact and income
$123 monthly
no commitment, cancel any time

Private community (not on social media!)
Community events, groups and buddy teams ongoing access
Instant access to CREATE & SHARE
Next upcoming 3 Modules: GROW, PLAY, REFLECT
67% Member's Only Discount on Flow Sessions with Steph (Save $200!)

Monthly payments for access to everything available. Join a live group any time!
What people say about playing with Steph...
“Steph created order and simplified my path in a creative, playful and exciting way. She gave me permission to slow down, create space, and receive what I needed to in order to move forward- which helped me gain crazy amounts of clarity and focus. She helped me remove that pressure by going inwards and challenged me to play with this theme in my life and work as ‘experiments.’ It was an awesome adventure where at times I really wasn't sure where we were going yet we always ended up exactly where we needed to. Her method to play and invite in possibility ultimately helped me create more flow and ease.
Lisa Laura Creative Consulting
 Stephanie Benedetto
Coach & Community Catalyst. Lover of dragons and impossible questions. Inappropriately joyful. 
I'll be your Coach and Guide.
I call myself a coach and community catalyst because that’s what I do.

I’m a former people pleaser, help addict and transformation junkie who’s fallen deeply in love with life and being a human.

Now I've devoted myself to creating things that delight me, and one of my greatest delights is helping others do the same.

My skills and experience include decades as a passionate entrepreneur, coaching thousands of people into living their dreams, telling stories of transformation, writing copy that sells, and creating courses and experiences to help changemakers create beauty and impact in the world.

The journeys I create with people are highly interactive and experiential, light-hearted yet deep, without the sense of pressure normally accompanying a “business” program.

Everything I do is grounded in the understanding of the Three Principles, a simple and profound articulation of what it means to be human and how our minds work.

I’ve created CATALYZE because I believe deepening our impact is the most powerful way to help others and create the change we wish to see in the world.

It starts with us, right here.

Impact and lasting transformation can be easier and more satisfying than we’ve thought possible.

I’m excited to meet you in the CATALYZE community!

Yours in love and play,
