Will this work for my business? I'm not a coach.
This program is designed for service-based businesses such as coaches, consultants, practitioners and teachers. If you're creating a product or art, you can still follow the journey, but the examples may be less relatable.
Do I have to know what my project is?
You’ll get the most out of this experience if you already have at least a vague idea about the project you’d like to work on. However, if you’re willing to get into action without feeling 100% sure, you’ll discover what your project is as you create, and it will still be an amazing experience.
*In this Special Edition, we'll create inspiring offers from scratch. No need to have an idea -- we'll CREATE it together!
What if I can’t attend all the sessions live?Our live sessions will be recorded and you can follow along from home at whatever time works for you.
I’m trying to minimize my screentime. Is this course going to work for me?I hear you! Many of my clients and students feel the same, so I’ve created the self-guided lessons to be enjoyed by audio (no screen required) and I recommend attending the live zooms on your phone with no video. This way you can move and even enjoy nature during our time together.
Is there a money-back guarantee?If you attend each week and complete the assignments, and aren’t satisfied, just send me an email with a complete description of exactly what you did and what happened, and I’ll give you a 100% refund within 60 days of purchase.
This experience WILL take energy, time and focus on your part. I can’t do that for you, but I’m committed to making sure you have the support you need to make it happen.
How much time will this take?The weekly guided self-study and live sessions will take 90 minutes each week. The size of your project milestone will determine any additional time investment necessary. I recommend allocating another 1-2 hours, but less may be sufficient. I’d suggest choosing a small milestone if you don’t have much time to make completion easy. (We’ll explore how to find the “just right size” for your milestone in Week 1.)
How does the buddy program work?Having a CREATE buddy is optional, but highly recommended. Everyone who chooses a buddy will be assigned a new partner each week. Your job will be to check in with each other via email, zoom, phone or chat in the community. All you have to do is ask how it’s going and if they need any support. Simply having someone in your corner makes a surprisingly huge difference when it comes to getting things done with ease!
What makes this different from other programs?This is an experiential journey, rather than lectures or information. It’s deliberately light on information and heavier on experiment and exploration because this is what sparks insight and transformation.
Because it’s experiential in nature, it’s designed to be a continuous learning experience you can revisit whenever you’d like to see something new about this specific topic. Since your experience is always new, this will always be something new to see.
How long will I have access to the program?You’ll have lifetime access to the videos and audio, as well as the ability to participate in the experience whenever we run it live. You can also download the videos and keep them to enjoy whenever you like.