Discover Your Natural, Effortless Path to Clients

The direct path to getting clients without convincing, pushy sales tactics or endless hours on social media
Dear Change-maker,

If you want to make a positive difference in the world with your business (like I do) you also need to make a joyful living.

It’s natural for us to want to serve first, give and help others, because it’s what we’re here to do.

But your needs have to be met in order to be the change you’re here to be.

If your attempts to get clients have felt awkward, inauthentic or exhausting, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Creating clients can feel natural, easy and joyful.

I’ve been on a long journey of discovering this for myself, and I’ve discovered how simple it can be. In fact, creating clients has become one of my favorite things to do because it feels so natural!

When you create clients through service, it’s a gift for you and others.

A lot of the sales training out there, even the “heart-centered” ones, teach strategies that are unethical, complicated or time-consuming. A lot of it just doesn’t feel right.

So how do you find the people you’re here to serve and invite them to work with you in a way that feels GOOD, not SLEAZY?

If this question resonates with you, I’m so glad you’re reading this! GROW will set you on the effortless path to getting clients and money. 🌱
GROW is about showing up, being yourself, and getting clients through authentic connection and service.
This program will help you to:
  • Connect 1:1 with clients who are aligned with what you do and excited to work with you.
  • Let go of the pressure and stress you may be experiencing around getting clients and discover the natural, easy way that’s just right for you.

  • Shift from a focus on selling to a loving focus on connection, building relationships and word of mouth referrals over time for a steady stream of clients.

  • Create the money and lifestyle you desire by doing things you enjoy, without wasting hours on content creation or social media.
  • Take enjoyable, sustainable actions now and in the future to get clients and grow your business.
Steph enjoying a sunrise hike in Durango, CO
“At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.”
― Lao Tzu
What an Acorn can teach you about effortless client creation.
I’d like to tell you a story about an acorn.

(It’s not really about an acorn, but stay with me, you’ll see what I mean.)

Once upon a time, there was an Acorn.

Little Acorn noticed Eagle soaring across the sky and sighed. “I want to touch the sky like Eagle when I grow up.”

But Acorn had no idea how.

He didn’t even know what he was, let alone how to be like Eagle!

So Acorn watched everything Eagle did and tried to imitate him.

Acorn tried with all his might to grow wings, but nothing happened. He concentrated and focused on launching himself into the air, but he couldn’t get himself to move.

Days passed and Acorn just sat there, feeling hopeless that he would ever be able to touch the sky.

Then one day, Squirrel picked Acorn up and buried him in the dirt.

“Great,” Acorn thought. “Now I can’t even see the sky, let alone fly in it.”

But something miraculous began to happen.

Acorn began to GROW.

Roots emerged and pointed downwards, soaking up water and minerals from the earth. Sprouts pushed upwards through the ground into the sun.

Acorn grew into a sapling and eventually into a tall, strong Oak Tree, stretching out across the sky.

He had found his own way of touching the sky, not by imitating Eagle, but by simply being what he truly was.

The Intelligence within contained everything Acorn needed to reach his dreams, even when Acorn didn’t have a clue.

This isn’t just a cute story about an Acorn. The same is true for YOU.

Desire is a compass pointing to what your true nature is inviting you to do.

If you desire a business making a positive difference in the world with a full roster of clients, it’s already in your nature.

You already have the Intelligence you need to thrive, guiding you towards exactly what you need and desire – including making money and creating clients.

The systems and tactics of other people don’t work for you because they didn’t originate from your nature.

It was impossible for Acorn to become Eagle; he had to find his own unique way to the sky.

The secret to your effortless path to clients is already within your nature — all you have to do is follow it.
GROW is an experiment to find your natural way of getting clients.
Not my way.

Not the “expert” way.

Your way.

I’m not going to tell you what to do. Rather, I’m going to draw out your natural wisdom and help you embark on your own adventure of client creation.

I will give you examples of effortless client creation activities that have worked for me and my clients.

I will call you on your bullshit – like the “busy work” you’re doing to avoid getting clients *ahem* – and inspire you to take real money-making actions.

You’ll also have the support of a creative community who’s doing it right alongside you.

Here’s the truth:

You probably already have an abundance of ideas about things you can do to get clients.

(Go ahead, tell me if I’m wrong.)

My job – with the help of your GROW companions – will be to get you into action, cheer you on and support you in getting the results you desire by following what you already know. You’ll discover the next step, one simple action at a time.
“The year working with Stephanie has been SO transformational. I have seen and experienced amazing personal and professional growth. She is so skilled, thoughtful, nonjudgemental , and fun. This is one of the best investments you could ever make, and I cannot recommend her enough.”

Lydia Leclair, Photographer
This program is for you if...
You're a coach, consultant, teacher or someone who works 1:1 with clients at least sometimes.
You'd like to create more clients and money in a way that feels good.
You're done blindly following "expert" strategies that aren't aligned or authentic.
You're ready to take action and discover YOUR way of getting clients, even if it means getting messy and making mistakes.
You place a high value on connection and relationship in life and business.
isn't for you if...
You're more interested in making money than impacting and helping others.
You're looking for processes, tools and hard skills to create create clients. This is a voyage of discovery and experimentation where you will learn by doing and following your inner guidance, not what someone else tells you to do.
You think you've already learned everything about creating clients. We're on a continuous journey of mastery.
You aren't willing to practice and share with an intimate community of helpers. This will require your active participation in experiments and exercises.
Here's how we'll flow in Grow (#sorrynotsorry the rhyme)
You’ll choose your own inspiring experiment in getting clients, while we explore what works (and what doesn’t) to create a natural, effortless flow of clients.
Week 1
Design your own experiment in getting clients. We’ll explore what makes for a “good” experiment, how to avoid the common pitfalls that don’t create results, and give examples of effortless client creation actions to choose from.
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Week 2
Explore what creates clients and what doesn’t, along with how to become naturally attractive to your soulmate clients without doing anything unethical or inauthentic. You’ll have a real-time experience of ease and flow in client creation as you do it.
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Week 3
Discover how to identify and connect with the clients you’d most like to have through simple questions and prompts designed to tap your deepest wisdom. You’ll begin to see clients everywhere and connecting with them will become effortless
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Week 4
Learn the elements of sustainable client creation and word of mouth referrals, and how over time they create a steady flow of clients and even a wait list, if you choose. You’ll feel more relaxed and confident in your outreach.
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Week 5
In our final week, we’ll reflect on the results of your experiment and share our insights. Together, we’ll celebrate your journey and set the stage for your next adventure.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn:

  • The Direct Path to clients and why most people avoid it…and how you can walk it joyfully!

  • Why you haven’t been taking the actions to grow your business, and how to bust through that resistance.

  • How to spot hidden client opportunities people often miss.

  • The secret to make sales without “selling” and creating clients through authentic connection.

  • How to become naturally attractive to clients.
"Now I'm doing everything I wanted to do, but was always too afraid..."

"You gave me the permission slip I needed to have fun, make money and limitlessly create. Thank you for not having a formula...Hot damn this is living!!!"

- Sherryl Perry Gilligan

Here's what community members have said...
"What I love is the exploration. The answer of previously unconsidered questions. A space full of like-minded souls. Stephanie's beautiful energy, exuberance and thoughtful ponderings. It provides space for things to come through me." 

- Clare Downham

"I love the light and fabulous creativity you bring to your work and open up for us, and the sparkle that is you, Stephanie. You so spacious and allowing for everyone and supportive of who people are and what they want to create."

- Caroline Sherrard

Here are the Need-to-Know Details

What you'll get:

  • Five 60 minute Community GROW experiences on zoom

  • A short video lesson and Quest each week

  • Access to the private community (not on social media!) for chat and questions

  • Connect with a GROW buddy for extra support and encouragement

  • Optional virtual CoWork Parties to get shit done with loving support

  • All the materials and recordings of our live sessions will be available for download and your own private use.

When is it?

We’ll meet live on Thursdays for five consecutive weeks starting on September 26th.


  •     September 26th
  •     October 3rd
  •     October 10th
  •     October 17th
  •     October 24th

TIME: 11am PDT / 2pm EDT / 7pm BST for 60 minutes (Convert to your timezone)

What results can you expect?

You can expect to get inspired into simple actions that directly create clients right away. As you do this, you’ll learn more about what creates ease and feel more confident in your outreach. Over time, the enjoyable actions you take towards client creation will result in a steady stream of clients.

Your results will vary based on the stage of your business, how many actions you take and how engaged you are in the experiment. In every case, you will grow and make progress as long as you do the work/play.

Of course, you’re also likely to encounter unexpected client opportunities and magical serendipities because that’s how this game works!

How much is it?

The price for GROW is one payment of $222.
What makes this different from other “get more clients” programs?
It’s a living experiment, not a prescription.
It’s about discovery and learning, which means as long as you show up and take action, you cannot fail. Think of GROW as a laboratory, where you'll experiment and learn, rather than a recipe to follow with rigid instructions. 
It will draw out your own authentic, natural path.
You’ll be following your true desires and tapping your inner wisdom to create and run your experiment. As a result, the journey is 100% yours and authentic to you.
Ongoing support of a community of change-makers and love–bringers.
Each week you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get inspired by others. The wisdom in this community and the power of what we can do together is awe-inspiring!
Focus on action, not information.
You’ll learn by doing and exploring, not by listening to me lecture.
Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty!
Loving disruption is the name of the game.
This is client creation from the inside-out, meaning you’ll see more deeply how thought creates your reality and where to find what you seek. Ease in getting clients is the happy side effect.
It’s spiritual AND practical.
You’ll experience more about the Truth of who you are and how you’re guided through real-time and tangible client creating actions. There’s a place for common sense and intuition in our time together, and you’ll see how these play nicely together.
Why work and play with me?
Learn with a lifelong explorer of transformation. 

Since I was a small child, I’ve been fascinated with how people think and what it means to be human. I became a seeker, a believer, an explorer of life, and that search inspired me to seek the answers in religion, poetry, yoga, psychology, personal development and coaching.

At some point, something woke up inside me. Now there isn’t a day when life doesn’t show me something new, fresh and miraculous.

You won’t just learn from me; you’ll learn with me.
Impish delight and enthusiasm are my love languages.

Yes, we’ll be exploring the real actions you can take to create clients in ways that feel good, but we won’t be doing it “seriously.”

I’m serious about results, but without the heaviness of needing to get it right.

We’ll find humor in the beautiful absurdity of our human existence, and make space for both our deepest desires and most ridiculous foibles.

Let's laugh, love and go deeper together.
Magic and miracles are invited to the party. 

Frankly, I’m tired of being realistic about what to expect from an experience, especially this one. The truth is that I can’t know until I go there.

I’m devoted to inviting miracles, magic and inspiration into our every interaction. We’ll be asking to give and receive what we REALLY desire, not just what we think we can get.

When we show up with life like that, you never know what’s going to happen, and miracles are on the menu.
Here's more of what community members have said...

“As soon as I signed up I felt transformational magic entering my bones! The permission to slow down and play - opened new tabs in my brain. And I moved forward more in 4 weeks than in 4 years!!! I am grateful for Steph modelling how to slow down, how to listen for inspiration and how to play!!!” 

- Sally Ann Bentham 

I can trust myself 100% to know what the next step should be. And for me, that is incredibly huge. The main reason I’ve failed constantly is that I don’t go through with things I start, and I don’t go through because I don’t trust it’s the right thing to go through with. So for that, immense, immense gratitude. And with this trust in myself comes clarity. I really see now what I need to do, and because of that I have so much energy to actually do the things.”

- Lydia Jansen

I've answered the most common questions below; for any others, please get in touch.
Will this work for my business if I’m not a coach?
GROW is most applicable to service-based businesses who do 1:1 or group work with their clients, especially in the transformational space. Heart-centered coaches and consultants are the best fit for this program.

However, because you’ll be designing your own experiment in getting more clients, it will be customized for your unique situation. If you’re not sure whether this is for you, contact me with details about your situation and I’ll help you determine if this is a good fit.
What makes this different from other programs?
This is an experiential journey, rather than lectures or information. It's deliberately info-light and designed as a series of interactive workshops.

There are no "proven formulas" to follow. Rather, you'll be asked to listen to your own inner guidance and follow what you know to discover your own path, based on simple experiments and exercises that work for my clients.

Doing the actual work is built into the design of the program, making it practical and efficient, while you leverage the power of the community for creative and motivational support.
How much time will this take?
The weekly sessions require 60 minutes and you can take advantage of optional co-working times for taking actions on your experiment. In addition, I suggest setting aside at least 30-60 minutes per day (that’s 5-10 hours per week) for your client creation actions for the best results.

Since creating clients is the lifeblood of your business, this will keep you focused on what’s actually going to move the needle in terms of money. For most people, this is a worthy investment of their time.
What if I can't attend all the sessions live?
No worries! Our sessions will all be recorded and you can follow along from home on your own time.

If you can attend live, you'll get the additional benefit of community connection and support, but there's still plenty to enjoy and inspire.
How does the Buddy program work?
Having a Buddy is optional, but highly recommended. You'll be assigned a Buddy for the duration of the experience. Your job will be to check-in with each other via email, phone, zoom or chat in the community.

All you have to do is ask how it's going and see if they need any support. Simply having someone in your corner makes a surprisingly big difference when it comes to getting things done with ease!
How long will I have access to the program?
You'll have lifetime access to the audios and videos, as well as an invitation to participate in the experience again whenever we run it live in the community. You can also download the materials to keep and use whenever you like.
Join the GROW community today!
GROW Module Only
For coaches and consultants who want to get clients with ease
one-time payment

GROW Module 
Private community (not on social media!)
Community events, groups and buddy teams for 60 days

Upgrade to the IMPACT membership any time.
IMPACT Membership
For entrepreneurs and creatives playing the game of impact and income
$123 monthly
no commitment, cancel any time

GROW Module
Private community (not on social media!)
Community events, groups and buddy teams ongoing access
Instant access to CREATE, SHARE & CATALYZE
Next upcoming 2 Modules: PLAY & REFLECT
67% Member's Only Discount on Flow Sessions with Steph (Save $200!)

Monthly payments for access to everything available. Join a live group any time!
What people say about playing with Steph...
“Steph created order and simplified my path in a creative, playful and exciting way. She gave me permission to slow down, create space, and receive what I needed to in order to move forward- which helped me gain crazy amounts of clarity and focus. She helped me remove that pressure by going inwards and challenged me to play with this theme in my life and work as ‘experiments.’ It was an awesome adventure where at times I really wasn't sure where we were going yet we always ended up exactly where we needed to. Her method to play and invite in possibility ultimately helped me create more flow and ease.
Lisa Laura Creative Consulting
 Stephanie Benedetto
Coach & Community Catalyst. Lover of dragons and impossible questions. Inappropriately joyful. 
I'll be your Coach and Guide.
I call myself a coach and community catalyst because that’s what I do.

I’m a former people pleaser, help addict and transformation junkie who’s fallen deeply in love with life and being a human.

My skills and experience include decades as a passionate entrepreneur, coaching thousands of people into living their dreams, telling stories of transformation, writing copy that sells, and creating courses and experiences to help changemakers create beauty and impact in the world.

The journeys I create with people are highly interactive and experiential, light-hearted and deep, without the sense of pressure normally accompanying a “business” program.

Everything I do is grounded in the understanding of what’s known as the Three Principles, a simple and profound discovery of what it means to be human and how our minds work.

I’ve created GROW because I meet too many change-making entrepreneurs who struggle to get clients in a way that feels good. I want everyone to fall in love with creating clients and see the gift that it can truly be.

Sharing what you do and “selling” is an act of service when you follow your nature and connect from the heart.

I look forward to seeing you in the GROW community!

Yours in love and play,
