“You gave me the permission slip to have fun, make money & limitlessly create...” -- Sherryl Perry Gilligan, Yoga Nature
"I’m authentic, aligned to myself, and my biz is aligned to the way I function energetically and emotionally...Thank you thank you thank you! Working with you was the best thing I ever did for myself. ” - Orit Krug, Dance Movement Therapist
"I am feeling expanding happiness and joy and ease that I had lost for a few years. Stephanie is pure magic!” - Tinka Sjogren, Transformative Coach
“Steph is a wild untamed soul with a gift of ‘tickling your soul’...her pure presence is an invitation to break all your made-up rules, a sheer fun playful exploration of life and business from the inside out.” - Muddassir Altaf, Coach, Writer & Life Explorer