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Listen to this on the Wild Creation Stories podcast here:  I was born without a heart. I know what you’re thinking. “That’s impossible!”  But it’s true. Instead of a heart, I had a very, very big mind. It was so big that I tried to fit the whole world inside...
PODCAST: The Me Suit

PODCAST: The Me Suit

Listen to this on the Wild Creation Stories Podcast here: There once was a woman who got sick and tired of being herself. She dreamed of climbing a mountain, but she wasn’t strong. She wanted to paint a beautiful portrait, but she wasn’t artistic. She wanted to try...
Who Are You Becoming? This Is Me

Who Are You Becoming? This Is Me

I took up my own challenge and wrote a description of my Future Self. This is who I saw. She is empowered, confident, compassionate, generous, true, playful, sexy, sensual. She walks into a room and people notice, not because she is loud or because she draws...