by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 19, 2025 | Personal Development
Mary was two minutes late for our zoom call. Again. She arrived out of breath, chomping on the last of her Nutrigrain bar. “Sorry,” she exhaled. “There was traffic on the way back from the gym.” I don’t make a fuss about being two minutes late or five minutes. (It...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 16, 2024 | Personal Development
This question was asked recently by someone who was feeling overwhelmed and overloaded: “I am experiencing: A) Overwhelm. B) Lack of joyfulness. What am I doing wrong?” Put it down and come back later. I spent my 8th grade year being homeschooled,...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 30, 2020 | Podcast, Wild Creation Stories
Listen to this on the Wild Creation Stories Podcast here: Listen on Google Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes Once there was a woman who pushed herself very hard to Be Better and Do More. She prayed to be used for a greater purpose and spent every minute trying to do...