by Stephanie Benedetto | Feb 5, 2025 | Business, Personal Development
I know what you’re thinking right now. Don’t believe me? I can prove it to you. *Imagine me with my eyes closed, fingertips on my temples, making a sound like a cross between a baby whale and a chainsaw* There! I’ve got it. You’re thinking… …of a calico cat wearing...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 14, 2023 | Community, Personal Development
I’m half way into an exploration of community with a group of amazing changemakers inside the Community Builders Circle, and over this past month, we’ve been exploring safety in community. I challenged all of us – myself included – to answer the question: “What would...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 23, 2022 | Podcast
How do you create a masterpiece of a life in the face of insecurity and fear? Transformational coach, Muddassir Altaf joins me for a potent conversation (and some hearty laughs!) as we explore the fertile field of the mind and tending to the thoughts that grow there...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 17, 2022 | Podcast
When I feel uncertain, I open my mouth wide and eat the stars. Listen on the Wildspire podcast here:: Listen on Google Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes The stars remind me of the universes inside me. Only then can I feel the vast multitudes living with me, not only...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Apr 5, 2021 | Personal Development
Whenever I find myself falling into the trap of thinking: Who am I to do this? I’m not an expert. I have no certifications. Surely there is someone better qualified and more highly skilled than me. I remember: Your experience can’t be wrong. In fact, your...