Get Paid to Be You.
Inspiration for Creatives

Stephanie Benedetto
Coach, Storyteller & (Un)Marketer

Hi, I'm Steph.
Lover of dragons and impossible questions. Inappropriately joyful.

This is an invitation to receive daily emails containing playful and provocative musings on business, being gloriously human and changing the world, including: 

  • Experiments in (Un)Marketing
  • Conversations with entrepreneurs who are challenging the status quo
  •  Mystical stories to awaken and inspire 
  • Tales from my personal and spiritual journey 

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What my readers are saying...

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"I unsubscribe from everything.  I dislike reading emails.
And, I know when I get something from you it’s going to be good. It’s going to be real, every time. I literally love reading your words."

“I have read and reread this story over and over again and again. Each time I experience something new and different than the time before. Your story moved me.”

“Steph is a rule-breaker and a wild untamed soul. She has a gift of ‘tickling your soul.’ And what opens up from that space beyond all rules is a sheer fun playful exploration of life & business from the inside out.”
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