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“How can I get more leads from Facebook groups without breaking the rules or being sleazy?”

Yes, you absolutely can get coaching clients from your participation in Facebook groups, provided that you’re posting relevant content and strong offers to groups that contain your ideal client. (That’s a topic for another day.)

But let’s say you already know:

  • Your soulmate clients are in the group.
  • You have an offer they love.

First, I urge you NOT to use any “tricks” to get around the rules. People can smell it when you do, and the admins will get ticked off.

Read the rules in each Facebook group and follow them. 

Be authentic. Be helpful. Be yourself.

Let yourself be seen and your ideal clients will find you.

There’s plenty of opportunities to create a business by participating in other people’s Facebook groups without the shenanigans.

With this general statement being said…

There are actions you can take to connect with more group members and get them to subscribe to your email list, join your own Facebook group or schedule discovery calls.

#1 – Tune into your intuition before responding to a comment. 

What response can you give that is for the highest good of everyone concerned?

You’re not writing only to that single individual; you’re speaking to everyone else who will read the post.

When you share powerful insights as guided, your people will naturally want to connect with you. 

#2 – Include an invitation to PM you for a conversation at the end of your comment.

You can do it gently: “Feel free to PM me if you’d like to chat about this. I’m happy to help!”

Or more directly: “Contact me for a free consultation.”

I don’t recommend messaging them unless they’ve given you permission to do so, because it’s generally considered bad Facebook manners, especially in spiritual business circles.

#3 – Share content that connects with your ideal clients. 

Answer their FAQs. Share stories, your own and your clients.’ Post inspiring quotes and tips.

Notice what your people respond to and do more of that.

Repurpose your comments on other posts as NEW content for other groups, on your blog or newsletter.

#4 – Include a link to your website, opt-in or contact form in the bio of your Facebook profile.

Make it EASY for people to click through to your personal profile and connect with the call to action for your business.

Create an opt-in invitation to get a free resource, join your email list, or schedule a free session as a bit.ly link in your bio and make it a Featured Image.

Check out Arne Giske’s profile and follow his example.

#5 – Once you’ve communicated with someone in a FB group, friend them and send a pitch-free message.

Reference your Facebook group conversation in your message. Once you’ve had an authentic connection, most people will approve your request, but respect those who wish to keep their friends list truly personal.

Chat a bit more back and forth. If you feel led (this is key!) you might invite them to a conversation, or to like your Facebook page or purchase your products/services.



Especially for heart-centered entrepreneurs and spiritual business types. We need to know you before we buy!

Take your time to build those relationships before launching into a pitch.

How do you use Facebook groups to grow your business?

Work/Play With Me

I help creative entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists and healers craft an irresistible message to attract ideal clients with soul aligned marketing.

Let’s have a free Wild Creation session to explore the possibilities! Contact me here.
