It’s now been 30 days since I began my experiment to quit social media, and Facebook, in particular, since that was my most active platform. I’ve kept a social media detox journal to capture the ups and downs.
Do I miss it?
Not really. Okay, maybe a teeny, tiny bit.
What I Missed By Quitting Social Media
Getting updates only shared on Facebook. A few of the groups I’m involved with only share information for zoom calls in a Facebook group. This was a royal pain in the butt!
I had to text a friend for the info I needed. Admittedly, it was only a minor convenience, but it ticked me off that I could only be in the loop by logging onto the ‘book. Grrrr.
My photos. Since I forgot to download the many photos on my Facebook profile (oops) I couldn’t access them to submit for an interview. Double grrrrr.
Insta-sharing my thoughts. Without a place to share my spontaneous questions or thoughts, I couldn’t express them as they occurred. It left me feeling all hot and bothered for a quick connection.
A quick and easy way to invite potential clients to play. Admittedly, this had my heart pounding with fear a few times. Did I do the wrong thing? How will I create clients?
I had to wait for my bi-weekly email or find other ways to connect (see below) if I wanted to directly solicit clients, and without my posts showing up regularly, I got fewer messenger and inquiries about my work.
What I Loved About Quitting Social Media
It sparked creative (Un)marketing alternatives. The question, “What am I going to do now?” generated dozens of inspiring ideas for creating content, sharing and connecting. It’s been exciting to see what occurs to me.
My focus turned towards creating solid foundations. I realized that I’d been sharing my most current, “alive” content with Facebook, and my website just wasn’t doing the job.
I took the opportunity to re-evaluate the purpose of my business, noting how my intentions have changed and where it’s going next. I spent more time connecting with my authentic message and cultivating a deeper relationship with the subscribers of my email list.
I’ve revived my Wildspire podcast and will be using it to promote the inspiring voices of my colleagues, partners and client-playmates. Finally, I’ve begun the branding process and redesign of my website to accurately represent what I’m doing these days.
It opened up space to ponder and do what I really desire. I didn’t hate “showing up consistently” on Facebook, but it didn’t excite me most of the time, either.
In its absence, I noticed what draws me: community (mine and others), writing, promoting inspiring entrepreneurs, creating valuable content. This is fun stuff!
What I’m Doing (So Far) to Grow My Business Without Social Media
This is not an exhaustive list, by any means. (Even my article “27 Alternatives to Social Media Marketing” barely scratches the surface.) These are simply the strategies that arouse my curiosity and sense of fun.
My Wildspire Podcast – I’ve revived my conversations with inspiring entrepreneurs to promote world-changing messages and grow my exposure. I promote these conversations on my podcast, YouTube and with a full blog post that’s also sent to my email list.
This is something I’ve used and taught in the past as “The Oprah Strategy.” Basically, you set yourself up as an expert by bringing in other experts. Make them look good, and they will share the content you’ve created together.
Promoting other entrepreneurs I believe in not only feels GREAT, it gives me access to their audiences when they share their episode and builds a relationship for future partnerships and co-creations. It also fits in brilliantly for my vision for The Awakened Business.
The Wildspire Weekly Email – I’ve re-evaluated the content and structure of my weekly email and am now sharing exclusive content with a storytelling bent in addition to my more public business and (Un)marketing articles. It’s a bit experimental, and the feedback has been amazing already!
I’m participating in communities where “my people” hang out. I know from experience that if I show up in a group of the right people (coaches, change-makers, spiritual seekers) as my authentic self, some of them will inevitably become friends, partners and clients.
I’ve been a member of some of these communities for a while, but I’ve added just a dash more intention to make it easier to connect. I’ve also joined a few communities as a paid member, anticipating the valuable connections that will be made.
I’m writing more strategic content. Content marketing is my jam; I love creating comprehensive resources that can live on my blog and valuable pieces for the people I’m here to help.
For example, one of my blog posts gets more traffic than any other page on my entire website because of the search traffic. (This one.) I’m repurposing the content as a YouTube video and will be co-hosting a workshop on the topic soon, which means I’ll be able to leverage it for more visitors and passive income.
I’m reaching out to cool connectors and influencers with an audience of my tribe. Inviting them to share on my podcast is part of this, but I’m also taking the time to reach out with a message or conversation. (Tad Hargrave calls this “Hub Marketing” and his ebook has been a fantastic resource that’s well worth the price. FYI, Tad will also be joining me on the Wildspire podcast, showing us how it’s done.)
I’ve taken a few very simple actions to make myself more discoverable. When I say “simple,” I mean they can be done in five minutes.
I added an invitation to my weekly Wildspire newsletter to my email signature by upgrading to the premium version of Wisestamp, so that every time I respond to an email it’s right there.
I added my website to my Zoom username. I’m on SO many zoom calls these days in communities; this will make it easy for them to find me later.
What’s Next?
I’m following the path as it unfolds before me. In other words, none of this is set in stone, and I may not quit social media forever, but here’s what I’ll be exploring next:
- My website rebrand and redesign is in the works. Yippee!
- Creating a streamlined process for promoting my podcasts guests and playmates, outsourcing the bits that aren’t fun for me.
- Sharing my strategic content on Medium and YouTube.
- Authentically engaging in communities for increased visibility by being my helpful, fun-loving self.
- Continue networking with influencers and connectors in my market, and deepening those relationships I already have.
Will I stay off social media forever? Right now, my guess is that I’ll be back, either in a limited way or until I transition to a full exit. Time will tell.
But what I can tell you is that I haven’t disappeared. I’m doing okay, and while it’s going to take time to create new pathways for creating clients, it’s already happening.
Would You Like to Support My #NoSocialMedia (Un)Marketing Experiment?
Two things you can do:
- Follow my (Un)marketing experiments and adventures by joining my Wildspire weekly email for exclusive content and updates.
- Share this article on social media if you found it helpful…because I can’t.
Thanks for reading and following, ‘cuz that’s supporting me, too. I wouldn’t want to do this without you.
Yours in creative play,