I know what you’re thinking right now.
Don’t believe me?
I can prove it to you.
*Imagine me with my eyes closed, fingertips on my temples, making a sound like a cross between a baby whale and a chainsaw*
There! I’ve got it.
You’re thinking…
…of a calico cat wearing pink and white striped mittens!
Let me clear out the static.
*more whale/chainsaw humming*
You’re thinking…
…about your high school boyfriend – no girlfriend – and how they used to –
Oh, no. I’m not going to put that into this article. You naughty thing. 😘
Okay. I’ll stop fooling around for a minute and confess:
I do NOT know what you’re thinking.
How can you be so certain that I’m full of 💩 when claiming to know what you’re thinking?
Because it is impossible to know what someone else is thinking.
Sure, you can guess, but can you know with absolute certainty?
Hell, I can’t even predict what I’m going to think next, and I’m the one thinking it. (I think.)
If you’ve been spending time with your predictions of what other people are thinking about you, such as…
They don’t know what they’re talking about.
He’s tired and old.
They’re just trying to sell me something.
She’s a bad mother.
You’re a lousy writer.
Who is actually the one thinking the things you’re imagining other people are thinking?
We can be 100% sure you’re thinking it.
I do it, too. Even in the scope of writing this email I can imagine you laughing as you read, or rolling your eyes.
So here we are, living in the world of our imagination about “what other people will think,” using what we’ve made up to stop ourselves from doing stuff that matters.
Important stuff like sharing your message or inviting someone to a conversation that just might change their life.
Don’t let what you’re thinking stop you from living.
We’re joining forces in the IMPACT community to change that with CREATE: Discover the Secret of Effortless Momentum, Inspired Action and Get It Done.
Each of us will create a new offering (a course, package, book, training, workshop, etc.) over four weeks and then launch it to the community.
If you have something you’d like to create, or if you’d like to, this is the perfect opportunity to harness the creativity and momentum of the community to discover just how unstoppable you truly are.
It’s time to get out of your thinking and into action.
Yours in love and play,