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woman dancing

When I started pole dancing, I started at zero.

I had no dance experience and couldn’t execute a pirouette or even a simple step-around the pole without looking like a clumsy idiot.

Then I learned the fan kick.

It’s a beginner move where you hold onto the pole, lift and kick first one leg, then the other, like a fan, moving from one side of the pole to another. It’s pretty and sexy – if you remember not to screw your face up with the effort.

It was something I could do!

My legs weren’t totally straight and I couldn’t lift them very high, but it was something.

I can’t tell you how many times I practiced the fan kick. It became my go-to move.

If you wanted to learn how to do a fan kick right now, I could teach you, because it’s something I know. Even though I still can’t perform a proper handspring or dragontail, if you come to me for a fan kick, I’ve got you covered.

If you have doubts about how much you know and whether you’re actually qualified to help people, the same applies to you.

You only need to know one thing other people want to know to have something valuable to share.

One of the biggest insecurities I’ve seen in coaches is the belief that they don’t know enough or haven’t gotten over their own issues. “How can I possibly help others with anxiety when I still feel it myself?”

You don’t need an arsenal of tools or a stack of guru-worthy insights.

One thing you know that will help other people is enough.

If you’re a transformative coach who helps people by exploring the nature of what it is to be human, your job is even easier. You’re not giving people information or wisdom; you’re showing them where to look.

Every sliver of Truth you’ve seen is a fractal of the whole.

A fractal is a part that repeats the pattern of the whole. No matter how big or small the scale, the fractal is the same.

Nature is full of fractal patterns. Snowflakes and tree branches. Whether you zoom in or zoom out, they repeat the same pattern.

Such is the nature of the Truth about who you are and how you work. In every small bit of Truth (like your one insight) dwells the whole.

You only need to know One Thing that’s transformed your life and you have something impactful to share.

In the CREATE program, we’ll transform that One Thing into an offering from your heart to invite people into life-changing client relationships.

It’s simpler and easier than you think.

Yours in love and play,


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