A funny thing happens to people inside the IMPACT membership.
They get more stuff done AND lighten up at the same time. They stop avoiding the actions they know to do to grow their businesses, and find them surprisingly enjoyable, or at least not nearly as horrible as they thought.
This doesn’t require willpower. Once you experience the effectiveness of easeful action and know it’s available, it becomes the obvious choice.
Here’s what Melissa Gelineau said about it:
“Although building my coaching business and attracting clients has been my ‘major’ intention for sometime now, I find myself answering the question of what I desire my ‘pure intentions or goals’ to be based on what I want my everyday to look and feel like ‘aside’ from my business goals. My intentions/goals for my personal life of finding more stillness [even while moving], experiencing more introspection and caring less [in a good way] has a direct impact on ALL aspects of my life, including how my business continues to evolve.
“Mostly I’m noticing what actions I’m NOT doing which is second guessing an email or post I schedule to send or an idea I want to put into a video. I’m doing it in a ‘care-less’ fashion. This is opening me up to take action and create a short little mini video series based on a book by Jack Pransky, ‘Somebody should have told us’ where I offer a super short video highlighting a chapter of his book. I’ve also been more consistent at giving a CTA with my weekly emails and FB posts encouraging them to schedule a conversation with me – no strings attached.
“It feels light, more easeful and good to just do what I want to do without all the mind swirling that usually goes along with it. 🌻”
Taking just a little bit of space to question your assumptions and get a handle on what REALLY makes things feel hard (hint: it’s between your ears) and inhaling the magical possibilities in the rarefied air of a community dedicated to making a difference from ease and joy is like a contact high.
Pressure and forcing just doesn’t make sense anymore when natural, effortless creativity and action is available. So you just stop it.
I want to be clear that this isn’t a cure for feeling shitty. We all have those moments when life feels hard and we judge ourselves for not being Mother Teresa. I still feel insecure every single day.
But when those crappy feelings come, I know it doesn’t mean anything about me or what’s happening in my life. My feelings come from whatever thought has my attention on right now, 100% of the time. If it doesn’t look that way, I’m mistaken.
The mind swirl doesn’t even need to go away for me to feel a little bit better.
Join Melissa and the gang for our next adventure in the IMPACT membership called CREATE.
We’re going to take massive action with care-less energy, perhaps feeling the tingles of nervousness, and cheering each other on to create a new offer, test it out and launch it into the world.
You were designed to create what you want, and built to overcome every feeling of doubt and discouragement. Come discover it for yourself.
Yours in love and play,