I re–watched the videos I made for CREATE last year, and felt something like this.
I mean, the videos aren’t BAD, it’s just that creating looks simpler to me now.
There’s nothing in your way, and when you see this, you’re unstoppable.
So this Special Edition of CREATE will go down like this:
- You show up live for 60 minutes (or catch the replay) weekly over four weeks.
- We Do The Things together in real-time.
- You create a market-tested offer you’re excited about.
- You launch your offer.
We don’t need to explore procrastination, laziness, focus, overwhelm, confusion or any other things that seem to be stopping you from taking action.
You just need to take action, any action, and you’re instantly unstuck. (That’s something I heard myself say in a video yesterday, and that one’s a keeper.)
We’re going to keep it to four simple steps, one each week, with actions so simple you almost won’t notice you’re actually working on your business.
Because the “hard” part of creating an offer isn’t taking the actions; “hard” comes from what you’ve (over)thinking about it.
Keep it simple. Join us for the CREATE experience and emerge with a new offer and a deeper experience of how much fun growing your business can be.
Yours in love and play,