Once upon a time, there was an eagle called Elliot who could not fly.
Or rather, he would not fly.
One by one, Elliot watched his siblings stretch their wings and launch into the air. Their first flights were more like flops, short and awkward, but soon they were soaring through the skies.
Elliot was the last one in the nest, and he was determined not to fly until he could do it right, better than his siblings, without any of that clumsy mucking around.
No, he would have the most perfect initial takeoff in eagle history!
Elliot bought all the best–selling books on the aviary circuit: Zen and the Art of Gliding, 50 Shades of Friction Drag, and even Dynamic Soaring For Dummies (which Elliot really thought was beneath him, but one should cover all the bases.)
While the eagle’s siblings flew off on new adventures of mountains, lakes and streams…
…Elliot stayed home in the warm, safe nest.
For years, Elliot studied thrust and lift, until he could describe them perfectly. He poured over the autobiographies of the world’s most accomplished flyers. Elliot’s first flight was planned and visualized in exquisite detail. He learned so much, in fact, that he wrote the preeminent book on wingtip vortices.
Elliot was an “expert” on flight who had never taken wing…
…we interrupt this story for a comment from the author.
Elliot the eagle is an interesting character, isn’t he?
I mean, how much sense does it make for an eagle to expect himself to be good at flying, when he’s never flown once?
That would be like a baby waiting to take a step until she knew how to walk. Ridiculous!
And yet…
This is what a lot of people do with their businesses.
They spend all their time taking courses and getting certifications and building a website and setting up systems to make sure they get it right…
…and they don’t actually DO it.
They spend time getting ready to fly instead of actually taking flight.
It’s no wonder they aren’t getting anywhere!
Common sense tells us that humans (and eagles) learn fastest by doing.
Watching others is helpful, and reading up on best practices might be useful, but nothing compares with taking action when it comes to really growing the art and skill of being you in business.
Doing takes the concepts out of your head and puts them into your hands where you can create, try things and discover what really works.
You simply can’t get that by reading a manual.
If you’d like to accelerate your learning curve when it comes to creating offers people actually want to buy, come take action with us in CREATE.
In only four weeks, you’ll emerge with a market-tested offer you’re excited to make, and the opportunity to share it with the community.
Stretch your wings and discover your natural ability to FLY.
…When we last saw Elliot the Eagle, he was still in his nest, studying, while he had yet to take flight.
One day, Mama Eagle came for a visit.
“Elliot,” Mama Eagle said, peering down at him over her spectacles. “It’s high time you left the nest.”
Elliot shuffled his feathers and explained that he was almost ready. He just needed to finish his thesis on The Impact of Parasitic Drag on Vultures –
“No! This is happening today.”
And with that, Mama Eagle shoved him out of the nest.
Elliot panicked as he fell, running through the glossary of aviation terms in his head for an answer, but none came.
“Help!” he yelled. “I can’t fly!”
In desperation, Elliot stuck out a wing.
A thermal caught the wing, buoying him up. Without thinking, Elliot took a graceless flap. Then another.
“That’s my boy!” Mama Eagle circled above. “You’re flying.”
Elliot gazed in awe at his outstretched pinions, caught a new air current, and soared higher.
“This is way better than getting a PhD,” he said.
And with that, Elliot became the eagle who could fly – and recite the entire Raptor Rules of Conduct forwards and back.