I am out on a hike in beautiful Colorado in the autumn and I can see the mountains. It’s a sight I haven’t seen in over a year, mountains like these.
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I wish you could see them. I wish that you could see what I’m seeing, but you can’t.
Maybe you can see mountains if you choose to imagine the mist over them, the blue sky and the clouds above them. You can see all of that in your mind. Perhaps you might recall mountains you’ve seen before that you thought were quite beautiful.
It’s a fascinating thing, this desire to share what we’ve seen, what we feel, and ultimately it’s impossible to do. You can’t see it exactly as I do, nor feel exactly what I feel.
And yet there is something in us that invites us to share, to express the beauty and love for the things we’re seeing.
I think that even though it’s an impossible task to share our world with someone else, we can share the feeling of it.
There’s something about hearing someone speak about what they love that lights up something inside of me and I feel love, too.
This can only be possible because we’re already connected, always. Not in the personal things, but in the universal. In what lies beneath all of that.
I think this is what we’re really trying to share. It’s rediscovered when we share an experience and it’s received.
We recognize each other as love.
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