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The Wizard and the Man Who Had Everything

The Wizard and the Man Who Had Everything

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a man who had everything. He lived off the fat of the land – which in this case was astoundingly fat, rich and abundant, much like the belly of jolly Saint Nick – and had servants who attended to his every need. He owned...
The Choice of the Nim

The Choice of the Nim

Once in a strange dimension on the other side of the Beyond-o-verse, there lived a tribe of beings called the Nim. With the birth of each new baby, the tribe gathered to breathe a song into the very spaces between the spaces of its being, singing through its cells...
The Choice of the Nim

What If Conflict Doesn’t Exist?

I’m preparing to co-facilitate a workshop on conflict when I’m in Portugal next month, and frankly, I’ve never thought so much about conflict in my life. Where does it come from? What makes it worse? What makes it disappear? So it’s not surprising that in bringing my...