by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 29, 2022 | Coaching
Can your entire life change from a single conversation? Yes, it can, though I can’t guarantee when it will happen or what the change will be. The nature of a transformative coaching conversation holds the secret of effortless change through INSIGHT (in-sight) or...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 23, 2022 | Podcast, Sparks
Listen to this Wildspire Spark on the podcast: I’m out for a walk, and it’s one of those days where everything looks perfect. A blue jay is nestled on the branch of a bush, and he’s looking at me. I get closer, and he doesn’t move. I want to take a...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 19, 2022 | Podcast, Wildspire
Is it possible to live in a state of peaceful presence…while you’re taking massive action in your life and business? Spiritual entrepreneurs and coaches seem to ping pong between meditative presence and stressful doing. In this conversation, Kate Roberts and I wonder...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 17, 2022 | Podcast, Sparks
Listen to this on the Wildspire Podcast: The other day I had a conversation with a client-playmate – let’s call her Joy – and we fell into this gorgeous silence. The quiet place with the good feelings. It was rich, peaceful and so very loving. I knew the quiet where...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 7, 2022 | Podcast, Wildspire
The awakening of feminine power isn’t just about having more women in business and leadership positions; it’s a shift towards leading with intuition rather than logic and strategy. Meghan Gilroy is catalyzing this feminine energy in women in order to reharmonize our...