by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 26, 2021 | Podcast, Wildspire
Rob Cook, a highly decorated ex-military man with a huge heart, dishes transformative coach advice with amazing storytelling. He joins me for an intimate conversation about difficult choices, the power of creating experiences, and a surprising lesson involving shoes...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 25, 2021 | Podcast, Wild Creation Stories
Listen and download the podcast here: Listen on Google Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes How do you describe the ocean to someone who has never been there? I can show you pictures: Waves cresting on the beach, the sparkle of sun on the water, crabs scuttling...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 16, 2021 | Podcast, Wildspire
Tad Hargrave of Marketing For Hippies, wearing his Anian recycled wool jacket and knit cap, settles in for a chat with me about hub marketing for coaches and holistic practitioners. Once given a specific niche, Tad rattles off dozens of marketing strategies as...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 14, 2021 | Awakened Thoughts
I began my personal Surrender Experiment five years ago. I’d read Michael Singer’s book, The Surrender Experiment, in which he shares the journey of relinquishing all preferences and saying YES to everything life brings. He ends up creating a meditation retreat...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 13, 2021 | Podcast, Wildspire
Tigrilla Gardenia, a Nature-Inspired Mentor and Leadership Coach joins me for a conversation about creating a conscious business by emulating and learning from nature, and the nurturing message of plants. She speaks at length about nature, transformational business,...