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Why I’m Not Hiring You, Expert

Why I’m Not Hiring You, Expert

I got a lesson in why it’s so important to be clear about HOW you get results for clients if you want to attract clients you love who get amazing results and become raving fans. Here’s the story: I’ve been considering whether or not to hire a particular...
What Really Creates Soulmate Coaching Clients

What Really Creates Soulmate Coaching Clients

“Where are my soulmate clients and how do I get their attention?” It’s like there is this imaginary club where all the cool soon-to-be-clients hang out, if we only knew where it was… And what to say when we walk up to them… JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND I’LL DO IT! So...
3 Ingredients to Attract Soulmate Clients

3 Ingredients to Attract Soulmate Clients

I’ve been thinking about what really creates SOULMATE clients…the ones who are as excited as you are to be working together. (Picture the two of you running across a field towards each other, arms outstretched, made-for-each-other kinda connection. ) Today, one...