by Stephanie Benedetto | Dec 1, 2020 | Marketing, Marketing Experiment, Unmarketing
When I came upon Danielle Gardner’s blog post about Success Without Social Media, ironically because someone tagged me on Facebook, it was clear she’d make a brilliant contribution to my No Social Media Un-marketing Experiment. A conversation was afoot! Dani’s quiet,...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 30, 2020 | Podcast, Wild Creation Stories
Listen to this on the Wild Creation Stories Podcast here: Listen on Google Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes Once there was a woman who pushed herself very hard to Be Better and Do More. She prayed to be used for a greater purpose and spent every minute trying to do...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 30, 2020 | Spiritual Business
If I could give you ONE GIFT that would have the greatest impact on your happiness, income and ability to create change in the world it would be: PLAY. I would sprinkle the fairy dust of play over your every action and relationship. I’d add a dash to your heaviest...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 15, 2020 | Marketing Experiment
When PR and Publicity coach Simone Sauter connected with me on LinkedIn, her message immediately got my attention as a possible answer to the question — how can I market my coaching business without social media? Since she specializes in working with life,...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 14, 2020 | Personal Development
“What’s stopping or slowing you down from creating the coach business you desire?” The answer is inevitably: “Me.” But what’s stopping you or slowing you down isn’t YOU. It probably isn’t the obstacle that seems to be stopping you, either. (You’re smart enough...