I have a bit of bone to pick with branding today, because artificially adhering to a focused brand message does not equate a compelling message. (Emphasis on “artificially.)
It’s the ALIVENESS and CLARITY of your message that determines it’s effectiveness, not whether or not it’s a coherent brand identity.
Here’s my story of being a very bad Message Mentor today by making raspberries at the rules of branding:
The gorgeous, intentional messages of other entrepreneurs fill me with admiration.
Their focus is crystal clear. I know what they do, who they do it for, and their entire business is skillfully crafted around it.
It’s truly a beautiful sight to behold for an (un)marketing geek like me.
I think:
“I should be more like that.”
I should define my One Thing, focus on my brand identity, and repeat a core message aligned with my values to become known for my One Thing.
It’s tempting, but…
I won’t do it.
I love getting in over my head, riding the creative edge of, “I have no idea if I can pull this off. Let’s do it!”
Once it’s done, I return to the edge again.
I love the aliveness of creating from the unknown. By comparison, everything else is boring.
(FYI, we’re creating something fresh that has never existed in every moment, though my mind is quick to forget this.)
What if I DO have a “consistent brand,” and being “inconsistent” is a part of it?
As my writing mentor, Steve Lewis, fondly known as El Jefe de la Playa, used to say:
“Every writer is obsessed with one primary theme, and they’re writing the same story over and over.”
My business, like my stories, is written around a primary exploration of identity.
What am I today?
How is life moving through me now?
And now? And now…?
I LOVE intentional, focused branding. When it’s soul-aligned, I can feel it.
But I’m getting on my contrarian soapbox once again to say:
If I have to sacrifice “leads” or risk confusing my audience by switching from telling stories to playing in un-marketing to exploring Human Design to writing enigmatic poetry no one enjoys but me —
I’m relentlessly being me.
Finding my own way, giving myself permission to change on a whim, and inviting you to join me in the same.
Besides, I love the idea of doing it “all wrong” whenever I feel like it, to see just how much I can get away with. 🙂
Yours in creative play,