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Sharing | Wildspire Sparks

Sharing | Wildspire Sparks

I am out on a hike in beautiful Colorado in the autumn and I can see the mountains. It’s a sight I haven’t seen in over a year, mountains like these. Listen on the Wildspire podcast here: I wish you could see them. I wish that you could see what I’m seeing, but you...
Impossible | Wildspire Sparks

Impossible | Wildspire Sparks

I just realized something I do, that we do as humans, that is absolutely impossible and doomed to fail. Listen on the Wildspire podcast here: What we want – what I want – is to feel good. Always. In my attempts to do that, I end up spending my time now trying to plan...
Simplicity | Wildspire Sparks

Simplicity | Wildspire Sparks

Not too long ago, a friend said to me, “Wow, Stephanie! I keep noticing how much you value simplicity.” Listen on the Wildspire podcast here: The comment stuck with me. Do I value simplicity? More and more, simplicity is where I know to look. Whatever it is I’m...