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Beyond | Wildspire Spark

Beyond | Wildspire Spark

  I spent most of my life trying to feel safe. Trying to convince myself that I was okay. Listen on the Wildspire podcast here:   How tightly did I cling to those moments when I didn’t feel scared! Even then I felt anxious because inevitably, the good...
Clarity | Wildspire Spark

Clarity | Wildspire Spark

Listen on the Wildspire podcast here: Listen on Google Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes I’ve been asked to create something and I find myself thinking of you. Funny thing…I can feel thinking of you, but I’m not sure who you is. It feels like you and...
Love | Wildspire Spark

Love | Wildspire Spark

A dear friend told me that she has been seeing all the strife and division, people hating others who have different opinions or colors.  Listen to this Wildspire Spark on the podcast: Listen on Google Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes “What if I just love these...


Listen to this Wildspire Spark on the podcast: I’m out for a walk, and it’s one of those days where everything looks perfect.  A blue jay is nestled on the branch of a bush, and he’s looking at me. I get closer, and he doesn’t move.  I want to take a...


Listen to this on the Wildspire Podcast: The other day I had a conversation with a client-playmate – let’s call her Joy – and we fell into this gorgeous silence. The quiet place with the good feelings. It was rich, peaceful and so very loving. I knew the quiet where...