Last week I had a moment of freak out.
A few moments of freak out in rapid succession, actually.
I’ve had a couple clients tell me that they could no longer afford to pay me for coaching, due to financial hardship. At least one potential client postponed the start of our coaching agreement because of uncertainty about the future.
Until that moment, I really wasn’t concerned about where the money was going to come from.
I’m blessed to work remotely, and confident about the value created for my clients. I know what it takes to create new clients and powerful coaching relationships. I’ve made over $1 million in business over the past decade.
I had nothing to worry about. Right?
But I felt scared.
What if NO ONE wants to hire me? What if the money stops coming in?
My mind desperately tried to figure out what to do. I had to do something! Yesterday.
I should have done something already. What’s wrong with me?
And the thoughts kept spinning.
Until I remembered (again) what I’ve been learning:
The time to make decisions is NOT when I’m in a cloud of desperate, fearful thinking. If I sit and wait, without messing with those thoughts, they’ll pass in time. They always do.
When the fearful thoughts pass, I’ll be clear again, and I’ll know what to do next.
So I let myself have a little freak out. Sure enough, the clouds parted and the sun came out again.
When things settled, new thoughts came in bearing ideas to address these challenges.
What can I do?
- Investigate an SBA loan and apply if I qualify. (FYI — they’re no longer taking applications.)
- Contact people who’ve expressed interest in coaching to discuss a flexible arrangement that works for us both financially.
- Reach out to past and current clients for referrals.
- Follow up again with people who’ve requested a conversation and haven’t yet scheduled.
- Write articles and social media posts designed to deliver value and attract my ideal clients. Promote them.
- Edit and publish the blog posts I’ve been sitting on for months (!!) that are search-engine optimized for attracting clients.
- Run some Facebook Ads.
- Serve people in coaching conversations so powerfully that hiring me is a no brainer.
And the list continues.
Only a few days later, I have coaching sessions on the books and new client agreements on the way.
Here’s my takeaway:
I can trust my inner wisdom to know when it’s time to take action, without being motivated by fear.
I didn’t need fear to know what to do. In fact, I act more purposefully when settled and clear.
My old way of thinking tells me that without fear, I won’t take care of myself and the world will eat me alive.
But that’s simply not true.
Of course, I’ve been spurred into action by fear and desperation, but that’s horribly stressful!
The most inspired ideas come from a space of quiet — or those moments when I’ve given up on “trying to figure it out” entirely — and there’s room for something new to pop in.
The wisdom of creative genius is something we’re always connected to, but it’s awfully hard to hear in a thought storm of fear. Sometimes I just need a little reminder.
What are you finding helpful when dealing with fear and uncertainty?
I’d love to hear about your experience!
Wild Creation Coaching
Apply for a free session with me here to find that place of stillness and get in touch with your inner wisdom and get into inspired action.
Yours in creative play,