Creating the Impossible (CTI) is a course run by Michael Neill and his team every January.
The premise is simple: find a project that’s over-the-moon inspiring – but looks like you have less than a 20% chance of completing – and do it in 90 days.
As someone who’s taken the course five times, and completed one Impossible Project of the five, I can tell you how amazing it is. CTI is a master course on creating in the world, and you’ll learn more about how life works and how to get shit done in 90 days than most people do in a lifetime. It will blow the lid off your world and show you infinite possibilities.
A brief summary of what I’ve learned through my CTI experiences:
- The power of action as commitment
- The importance of specificity is creating something from nothing
- The joy of failure
- How to be discouragement-proof
- Falling in love with the learning curve
- The pure, creative MAGIC of action
I highly recommend both the course and the book if you don’t have them already. (And do them again if you have! It’s a new experience every time.)
This year, I’ve become a mid-wife for Impossible Projects, a job description that has my heart soaring with dragon-ful joy.
Two CTI participants have become coaching clients. One is writing and publilshing a book, the other is planning a global event.
In our sessions, they find the space to reflect on what they are (and aren’t) doing, and what they know to do next. As “impossible” as their projects may seem, they’re not alone in completing them with me at their side.
My client said, “I don’t think I would have written this book if we weren’t having these conversations.”
These coaching sessions aren’t so much about keeping yourself accountable – they’re about making the creation of your project inevitable and discovering yourself as truly unstoppable.
Whether you have an actual CTI project or a project that only feels impossible, I’d love to be your “doing doula” so we can get your dreams out of your head and into the world.
In just four weeks, you can go from stuck to flow and complete the next inspiring milestone on your project. Check out my Momentum Coaching package for more details, and email me if you’re interested.
Yours in love and play,