You do NOT NEED a website, niche, signature VIP offer, email lead nurture campaign.
Oh, my dear, gorgeous world-changer.
I see you STALLED by the things you’ve been told must be created to get clients, have a successful business, change the world.
Especially not if they keep you from moving forward.
There I was. STUCK.
Five years ago, when The Awakened Business was just a glimmer in my eye…
My dear coach asked what was my next step in launching my new coaching business.
I’d been an internet marketer with a successful info product business for over five years already, and I was sophisticated. (Or so I thought.)
“Well, I need to identify the needs of my ideal clients and create a lead magnet. Then I can run some Facebook Ads to my funnel and get them on my email list. Then I need to come up with an offer…”
“STOP!” she said.
“Let’s pretend there is no internet. No websites. Not even newspaper advertising. How would you get the word out about your business?”
I thought for a moment.
“I’d talk to people?” I said.
It’s easy to let the long To Do List of online marketing become an obstacle (or an excuse) that keeps you from connecting with the people you’re here to serve.
You’re too passionate to let that stop you. Right?
What you REALLY need is:
The simplest form this might take is a conversation.
It might look like a Facebook post or an email. It may even look like a page of your website.
But simpler is better here. Because you’re not going to let this stop you, right?
Let’s make this TOO EASY.
What’s the simplest, easiest way you can connect with someone you’d like to help?
That. Do that.
One of my favorites is to invite someone to a conversation where you’ll explore how you can help them.
See how much easier it is without all the technical hoops to jump through?
Just you and your invitation.
Whew! That just got REAL fast, didn’t it?
No more excuses. 🙂
It’s only in talking to people — real, actual people! — that I learned how I could help them.
I got clear on who I’m most inspired to serve, what they need, and how I’m inspired to help.
And yes, that information may eventually inform a VIP offer or email sequence or help you narrow your niche, none of these are what you actually need to create a business that lights you up.
What you really need is to take your message to your people, as clearly and simply as possible.
What if it was that simple?
No, really. 🙂
I work/play with coaches, healers, experts and creative entrepreneurs who are passionate about making a difference in the world without the hustle culture or sleazy sales tactics.
If you’re feeling stuck, stalled or unclear about your next steps, I can help you craft a clear message and a simple strategy for connecting with your soulmate clients in a single session…and we can co-create your soul-guided journey to an inspired business in as little as 3 months. Contact me for more details.
Yours in creative play,