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I don’t have a crystal ball, but I bet I can tell you why you’re not taking the actions to create clients and money in your business.

dandelion seed on moss

Here’s why I can say this so confidently:

I have been studying human nature for decades, and I’ve been a human all my life. (Surprising, right? 🐉) And recently, this has gotten even clearer for me.

Most of the people who find me are smart cookies (probably like you) who aren’t entirely new to this business thang. And even if they are new, they have a pretty good idea (usually, several of them) of what they could do to create clients and cash.

So if we know what to do, why aren’t we doing it?

First, let me tell you what’s NOT going on.

You are not broken, screwed up or so riddled with “issues” that you’re sabotaging yourself.

In other words, there’s nothing wrong with you.

The human system is so well-designed that it guides us in creating the experience we want 100% of the time.

I’m also going to tell you it doesn’t mean you need to do “shadow work.”

Your shadow is simply thinking that looks real. In other words, it’s an understanding, not a problem with you.

So if that’s the case, what gives?

Why aren’t we taking action on the things we say we want?

It seems to me there are three reasons why.

#1 – You don’t really want it.


If you don’t actually want the thing, you’re not going to do it. Or at least, not without lots of arm twisting agony.

You’d be surprised at how many times people come to me for help getting into action, and we discover that the reason they’re not moving is because they don’t want the thing in the first place.

They think they should create a lead magnet because that’s what they need to create clients, but they hate the idea.

Or this or that expert promises that if you post every day, you’ll get clients, except they loathe social media.

If you don’t want it, it’s going to be really hard to get yourself to do it. With all the options you have to create money and clients, choose one you actually want to do.


#2 – The timing isn’t right NOW.

This happens when you really want to create or do something, but you clearly know the timing is not right.

Please don’t confuse this with insecure thinking about how, “I’m not ready yet!” (This is an example of #3 and it’s pure BS.)

You may recognize the timing is off when you’re taking actions towards something and it simply isn’t coming together. Most importantly, your gut says, “This isn’t the time.”

For me, it can feel like walking into an invisible force field. I know it’s happening, but the path hasn’t opened just yet.


#3 – You do want it, but you have something on it.

A tree in a field

Let’s say you take an honest look and notice that, “Hey, I really do want to create more clients!”

But then you have a lot of thinking about why that might not be such a great idea. It might look like this:

What if I start booking clients and I have too many?

What if it takes away from my family time?

What if I burn out (again) and it destroys my health?

What if I turn into an evil bitch with all that money?

In other words, your intention isn’t clean.

You’re sending mixed messages into your brilliant mind, and your engagement is mixed, too. One minute, you’re saying YES, the next NO. It’s GO time, then stop.

This is a problem many people describe as “not being consistent,” but it stems from the lack of a clear and clean intention.

I can say this because I see this so clearly at play every time I’m not taking action on what I say I want to do.

For instance, I’ve been saying I want to learn Portuguese for over a year, but only studying haphazardly and barely practicing. While I genuinely want to learn the language, I spent a lot of time worrying about getting it wrong, feeling nervous, and freaking myself out.

I had a lot on learning Portuguese, until recently.

Now that I have a clear intention, I’ve hired a tutor for regular lessons and I’m practicing more regularly. And guess what? My language skills are improving.

So if this seems to be the case for you, what can you do about it?

Sometimes simply noticing what’s been going on and getting clear on your intention and why it makes sense is enough. The system will correct on its own.

Other times, it can be hard to see through.

Get quiet for a moment right now and ask yourself, “What can I do to get clear about this?”

Do whatever occurs to you.

And if you’d enjoy a loving presence to be with on the journey, I’d love to be there for you. You’ve got this, my friend.

Yours in love and play,
