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joyful business guaranteedThe IMPACT membership emerged from my desire to help the coaches, wellness practitioners, therapists and spiritual teachers whose medicine is such a gift to the world, discover just how joyful business can be.

You don’t have to work long hours, compromise your values, or choose your business over your family and health.

You can design the life you’d love to live, and allow your business (or other avenues) to support what you enjoy doing, so you’re truly getting paid to be you.

That’s the promise of the IMPACT community.

I know this is not only possible, it’s inevitable, when you look in this direction and relax into the magical space of this community. Worn out soul-preneurs go from dragging their feet to playing full out in business, and the inspired action of the collective is contagious.

Here’s my new 90 Day Joyful Business Double Guarantee:

If you join the IMPACT membership, attend at least two live gatherings each month, and don’t experience greater ease, enjoyment and inspiration in your business, I’ll give you a 100% refund.

And if you complete a course with all its Quests and don’t experience the paradigm shift of falling more deeply in love with your life and business, I’ll refund your money and pay you $100 for wasting your time.

How can I be so confident in making this guarantee?

Ease and enjoyment are available. Now.

Your experience has nothing to do with the circumstances in your business, and everything to do with the story you’ve been listening to about it. When the story falls away, you’re left with the most amazing and beautiful gift:


The experience of you is what you’re looking for and it’s what you’ll be gently and playfully invited to re-discover inside the IMPACT membership, because the not-so-secret secret is that we’re playing the game of business to wake ourselves and the world up to the beauty and joy of what we really are.

I invite you to check out the new additions and details here:


Yours in love and play,
