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It was back in 2023 when I first started feeling the sparkly tingles of inspiration that what would become the IMPACT membership, and I did what I know creates something amazing and valuable:

I asked my community to join.

A group of 23 people became my “Community Angels” who were happy to share their questions and feedback, which I’d then use to create something new for all of us.

I listened to the words of my Angels, and did my best to copy-magic them into a name. Then I asked what they thought of them.

The most popular names included:

Spiritual (Un)Marketing

Falling in the Love With the Game of Business

But the winner was:

IMPACT: Playing the Game of a Soul-Led Business

Why was this so popular? Well, I can’t read the minds of my Community Angels, but here’s what I think:

This name holds the essence of what heart-centered healers, coaches and changemakers want to believe is possible in a business. They want to create a positive difference in the world (impact) through a business aligned with their soul’s purpose, that feels good and natural.

They’re not interested in the hustle and hype of Business As Usual, and playing business as a game, one that’s fun and inspiring, seems like a dream.

I like the name, too, for all these reasons, and because it says what it does on the label.

If you want to deepen your impact in the world and create income in a way that thrills your soul, where work feels like play because you’ve fallen in love with the game of business, this is the place to be.

But I’m facing a challenge here.

In a business world that tells us you have to work hard (or at least “smarter, not harder,” which really means smart AND hard) even the most spiritual and compassionate entrepreneurs don’t quite believe it’s possible.

They’ve been indoctrinated to believe that success requires busting their asses, exploiting their clients by “pushing their hot buttons” and “agitating the pain” is what’s necessary to sell their stuff. All of which feels pretty gross to soulful healers and coaches.

So even though these changemakers really don’t want to play the game this way – their “mindset issues” and “resistance” are often a refusal to behave unethically – they also don’t see another way to do it. (Even though they really, really, want to believe it’s possible.)

My own marketing coaches point this out to me as a problem.

“Stephanie,” they say, “everyone wants to make money by being loving, creative and soulful, rather than greedy and testosterone–driven, but there’s not enough proof.”

“We know you’re magical, creative and enchanting – you really are,” they continue, peering at me through their marketing spectacles, “but you need to be more specific.

fist bump

In a sense, they’re right. I need to be crystal clear about what you’re getting inside IMPACT in order for you to open up your wallet and pay for it.

But I also can’t sell a membership with a philosophy that runs counter to mainstream business by using those same mainstream marketing tactics. (I did that back in the day when I could spin hypey headlines with the best of them.)

It’s quite the quandary.

So what do I do?

Well, I can paint the picture of what’s on offer as clearly and honestly as I can.

This is what’s available NOW:

  • Deeper impact with your clients
  • Enjoyment in every bit of your business (even the marketing!)Fearless sharing about your message of how you can
  • help people
  • Becoming an unstoppable creator
  • Being discouragement-proof to insecure thinking

You don’t have to wait for these experiences because they’ve always been available. It’s only a creative misunderstanding that keeps you from seeing it, and that’s what falls away inside the IMPACT membership.

What happens as a result of these benefits?

Your clients get better results, which means they stay longer and send word of mouth referrals.

You take more actions in your business, which means more results in terms of clients and income.

You step into the full expression of YOU and create the life you love, dropping the shoulds and conditioned bullshit.

Yes, you will also make more money as a result — and this also takes some time.

Your experience can change in a second; your circumstances may take a little while to catch up.

Frankly, I’m not interested in seducing you with the promises of effortless big bucks because that would be missing the real value of what’s on offer.

You can fall in love with your life. All of it. Right now. And find what you’ve really been looking for.

(Peace. Love. Happiness. Contentment. Joy.)

Does that help you grow a business? Abso-fucking-lutely. But it pales in comparison to knowing that you’re fundamentally free, regardless of how much money you have in the bank or how many clients you have.

I’ve added a Double Guarantee to take away the “risk” of entering into a community who operates by a completely different playbook, so that you can experience it for yourself and see.

We are soulful business pioneers, discovering our own paths of getting paid to be ourselves and making a difference in the world through joyful business.

It’s weird and sometimes counter-intuitive. The leap is only scary to your mind; your spirit will rejoice.


Yours in love and play,
