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a man building capacityThere’s a mysterious phenomenon with humans.

We’re so engrossed with our own lives and ourselves as the main character, that we think other people are paying as much attention to what we’re doing as we are.

I imagine people being affected by my words (positively or negatively) and that they have strong opinions about them.

I tell stories in which people notice when I don’t send an email at the “regular time,” and think I’m irresponsible or flaky for not following through.

But in reality, people are far too busy thinking about themselves and their own dramas to spend much time thinking about me. At best, I’m a supporting character in their movie, making a brief appearance as Smiling-Woman-on–the-Train or Adorkable-Coach.

All this to say, it might be cool to give you a glimpse of what’s happening here with Stephanie and The Awakened Business community.

The Paid to Be You Map

I’m currently speaking with people who’ve expressed interest in the “Paid to Be You Map,” to explore how it can be most valuable and compelling. A brief description:

Create a map to design your life and business based on what you’d love your life to be about, so you’re literally getting paid to be yourself. I’ll walk you through creating your own map, and show you how to harness the power of intention and small actions for momentum magic.

My plan is to create both free and low-cost versions of it as an introduction to what’s on offer in the community.

The IMPACT membership

IMPACT: Playing the Game of a Soul-Led Business is undergoing some changes. People have been asking for a community where they don’t feel alone in business, including:

  • A place to get tech help, resources, tips and support
  • Help staying on track and focused to create momentum with their projects and business
  • Easeful networking for collaboration and idea sharing
  • A space to create money, clients and impact

In response, I’ll be adding monthly events: a “Community Jam” for fun and inspiring connections and a “Spark and Strategize” to tap the power of our community mastermind. We’ll also have a marketplace where you can play Barter Bingo to exchange services or resources, practice with others and find beta testers for your new offers.

Exciting changes are afoot!

The LoveInAction Community

The LoveInAction Community is the digital and (eventually) physical gathering space for people, projects, programs and groups to connect, collaborate and make a positive difference in the world through acts of kindness and love.

This is the greater community vision of which the IMPACT membership is only a small part. I’ll be hosting community events and collaborative gatherings this year for community builders, artists and technologists who wish to participate.

We’ve recently opened up our free online CoWork Parties to anyone who’d like to attend. (It’s by invitation only right now, so contact me if you want one.)

I’m currently seeking community pioneers to share their feedback and presence in creating these changes. You’ll get a front row seat in the IMPACT membership, along with all the current benefits and those we’re adding.


Yours in love and play,
