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A fiddler crab on the beach

In case you’ve gotten the impression that I never take anything seriously (ha!) and I’m all about fun and games (ho ho!) —

I thought it was high time I give you a Practical Tool.

(Finally, right?)


How to Make the Perfect Decision Every Time: A Matrix For Absolutely Certainty

This, my friend, is a tool you can use to decide with absolute certainty that you are correct every single time. (It says what it does on the label.)

❓ Wondering whether you should ask that beautiful stranger on a date?

✅ Use the Matrix!

❓ Should you send a cold email?

✅ The Matrix has your answer!

❓ Is it a good idea to share that “edgey” post on Facebook?

✅ The Matrix has your back.

❓ Stumped about what to do with the regifted rat trap your aunt gave you?

❌ Sorry. You’re on your own with that one.

Simply plug any decision into the Matrix and have your answer in seconds!

Without further ado, here is the Matrix that is going to change your life forever…

In case it isn’t clear that I’m joking, I’m joking!

But only kind of. I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if we had a Tool that could tell us the right decision to make at any moment?

Well, you do. It’s called the Intelligence of Life (intuition, inner guidance, wisdom, your gut feeling) and it’s built into your cute little human being.

It seems to me our in-built decision-making tool has two components:

Desire and Knowing

Desire is present on this Matrix, and it’s pretty straight forward. Do you want to do this thing or not?

If you don’t want to do it, unless there’s some kind of pressing need, why would you?

If you do want it, there’s absolutely no reason not to try and see what happens.

Knowing is BETTER than the Matrix. (Much as I hate to admit this because I’m planning to make millions selling the thing.)

Knowing is when you “just know.” It doesn’t need reasons or even desire.

Knowing isn’t particularly loud or flashy. It just knows, and it’s the most reliable guidance you can get because it’s real-time, responsive and much, much wiser than your Little Mind.

The only problem is:

Most of us don’t trust our Knowing.

We’ve learned to listen to the noise in our heads instead of what we know in our hearts.

While that’s kind of a bummer, it’s okay, because your Knowing doesn’t disappear just because you haven’t been paying attention lately.

If you’d like to take your inner Knowing on a date and get to know each other better, discover how amazingly reliable this really is and what it has to say about your life, you might love joining us for REFLECT: Rediscover Joyful Direction, Focus and Ease.

Over the four weeks, we’ll listen to our Knowing and discover the answers we’re looking for about what to do in our business and life to create what we desire.

You’ll get a feel for whether you’re listening to noise or Knowing, and see its magic unfold in the real world.

You should really visit this page if you’re interested in creating your Most Enjoyable Life. (And I’m serious about that – serious without the heaviness.)


Yours in love and play,
