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black and white sketch of a man with a huge afro dancing with a cane

One of the people who’ll be joining us for the REFLECT program asked this question:

“How do I stick with my plan when things get hairy?”

I assume they weren’t referring to their depilatory needs (I have lots of experience with those, too! 🍯) but rather how to keep going when the going gets tough.

Let’s take a look at two hypothetical but hopefully relatable scenarios and see what we can see.

Scenario #1 – Smooth Sailing

You have a plan and you’re following it! Everything is going smoothly and you’re tooling along nicely.

You have a clear sense of what to do next and the confidence to take that action, even when you’re not sure exactly how it’s going to work out.

Sure, there are some bumps in the road, but you’re coasting because something always occurs to you to get through, around or over them.

So far, so good? Can you relate to what it’s like when things go well?

Scenario #2 – The Sh*t Hits the Fan

You’re tooling down the road on the path to your goals and BAM!

Smack into a mountain of 💩.

The people who promised you help have bailed. Your efforts aren’t working. You’re faced with a problem you never even considered, and you’re totally unprepared.

One thing you are certain of: this was NOT in your plan.

How do you keep going?

I’m going to share the surprising secret with you. Of course, it’s not really a secret, but you might not have noticed it before.

In order to really SEE the secret, you need to be willing to set aside your smarty pants intellect and consider this for more than 2.5 seconds. Okay?

Here goes…

What gets you through in times of Smooth Sailing is the same thing that gets you through when the Shit Hits the Fan.

What gets you through the easy times is the same thing that’s gotten you through every painful experience and challenge you’ve had until now.

What gets you through is YOU.

Not your thoughts about you or your personal mind, which can sometimes feel small, hopeless and helpless…but the REAL you that’s powered by (that is) the Universe itself.

The Intelligence in you will always take you in the direction of what you desire, and it’s 100% reliable. Unlike your little mind which is easily rocked by ever-changing feelings, plagued by doubt and insecurity.

You know that feeling of just knowing what to do next that you have when things are going smoothly?

The same is available when life gets hairy, and it works exactly the same way. It only seems different when things aren’t going as well because you’re listening to the cacophony in your head instead of your natural Intelligence.

You are never, ever left on your own; it just really feels that way sometimes.

This is amazing news!

It means that you already have what you need to navigate any challenge, problem or delay to your plans. Not just for right now, but forever.

This is the foundational truth we return to in the IMPACT membership. You don’t build it through positive beliefs or practices, you discover it through seeing more deeply how life works.

If you’d like to:

📌 Stay on track with your goals and intentions…without beating yourself up or driving yourself to exhaustion

📌 Harvest the pearls of wisdom from your past and amplify them for what’s next

📌 Dream into your future creations from inspiration and joy

📌 Blend spiritual principles with practical actions for sustainable, enjoyable progress

📌 Feel awesome about your whole life 🌟

Then REFLECT is for you.

Right now you get access to REFLECT with your IMPACT membership. It’s a small price to pay to rediscover the freedom and creativity you were born with, and fall in love with creating your life. IMHO. 😉


Yours in love and play,
