What does it mean to do business and marketing with reverence for “the soft animal of your body” and its wisdom?
It seems apt to introduce this podcast episode with a question, as it is Rachel Zurer’s inquiries that inspire and evoke our magical conversation.
Listen on the podcast here:
Here’s some of what we explore:
- What does it mean to be presence-led in business?
- How to feel safe in your body
- Creating from relaxation rather than urgency and fear
- Showing up on social media with play instead of pressure
- Why the truth doesn’t hurt — and yet sometimes feels like it does
- How do you care for your body and listen to its wisdom while you build a business
How to Care For Your Body, Mind and Business
“Truth feels good.” Rachel Zurer
Find the perfection in presence. Coaches and healers know presence as a powerful element for transformation and healing. We’re always present and experience a feeling of presence the moment we stop thinking something else.
Begin with the premise of Truth and then test it. Rachel comments that while she cannot “prove” that presence and healing are always available intellectually, her world transforms when she acts if it does.
“Even when you don’t understand, you’re safe.” Rachel Zurer
The 3 kinds of safety: physical, mental and spiritual. Knowing our ever-present spiritual safety provides comfort to the vulnerable body and the troubled mind without dismissing a painful experience. If it doesn’t seem safe, and you look around the room and there are no threats, what you’re experiencing is a memory, a thought.
Create with relaxation rather than tension. Rachel asks, “Am I scared as I create this? Could this be more playful?” The intention for relaxation and presence invites it.
Showing up on social media can be playful instead of serious. When you let go of perfectionism and the need to get it right, it’s more enjoyable. What really feels bad about being visible on social media isn’t the action, but our thoughts about it.
With awareness comes choice, and with choice comes responsibility. What does it mean to shift away from the heaviness of responsibility to the empowered engagement of being “response-able?”
The truth doesn’t hurt; it actually feels good. What hurts is the story we tell about the truth, our thoughts about what it means. The truth simply is.
Use the body as a resource for decision-making. Drop into presence and ask the body what it knows about the choices you’re contemplating .
Honor your body while growing your business. There’s no need to prioritize the mind over the body. Rachel stands for the question, “How do you get visible and grow a business and attract clients while you care for your body?”
“Magic words create an effect in the world: abracadabra, please.” – Rachel Zurer
Meet Rachel Zurer, Copywriter & Visibility Coach
Rachel Zurer is a clarity ninja on a mission to fill the world with more presence. She believes too many coaches and healers leak energy when it comes to marketing their services. That’s why she supports presence-led service providers to attract their ideal clients while feeding their aliveness. As a copywriter and visibility coach, she believes you can be seen, be impactful — and be yourself. Her messaging and marketing clients include some of the industry’s top presence-led coaches.
Before founding Magic Words Marketing in 2020, she spent a decade as a magazine editor and writer, including at Conscious Company Media, Backpacker, and Wired. Her other passions include vinyasa yoga, authentic relating, circling, soulcraft, ecstatic dance, and the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. She’s also currently studying biodynamic craniosacral therapy. She lives, works, and plays outside of Boulder, CO.
Connect with Rachel
Website: https://magicwords.marketing
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-zurer
Sign up for her Magic Words of the Week newsletter: https://magicwords.marketing/magic-words-of-the-week
Download “15 Questions to Ask As Your Soul Business Is Gestating:” https://magicwords.marketing/wildspire
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