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Last week I shared a bit about the power of vulnerability in your content.

And it brought up a question:

If you’re sharing what you REALLY want to share with vulnerability, why isn’t it getting results?

This was exactly where I was for years.

I shared what was in my heart in videos, stories, blog posts, articles.

I’d get likes and comments, but nothing that turned into client leads.

Sharing from your heart and saying what you REALLY want to say is a powerful element of soulmate client attracting content…but it’s not the whole recipe.

Aligning with your deepest purpose and intention for change in the world and following your guidance is where it begins.

And then…

It’s time to use that gorgeous mind of yours to connect the dots of your heart-felt message to the needs of your potential clients and the service you offer.

Without creating this connection, it’s just a moving story or a helpful tip.

When you connect it to what you do — and include an invitation to contact you for more — only then does it generate leads.

If you’re an expert who’s been teaching what you do and getting results for clients for years, there’s nothing missing. There’s no deficiency in what you have to offer.

You have the expertise, the method, the passion, the purpose, even if you can’t articulate it.

All that’s left is to connect the dots.

You need clarity and focus about what you do, how you do it, and how to express it powerfully.

Let me give you an example.

I wrote a piece about asking transformational questions about purpose, happiness and the meaning of life.

The topic is really ALIVE for me, and it’s relevant to what I do. It’s provocative and interesting to (my) people who like to ponder deep questions.

But I neglected to connect the dots. 

Perhaps people felt something as a result, but they didn’t come away recognizing how I can help them.

(There’s nothing wrong with this type of content, by the way. I still write these types of stories and thoughts, but they’re not written with the PURPOSE of attracting soulmate clients.)

What if instead of writing a philosophical, thought provoking piece, I had written with the idea of attracting my soulmate clients?

I might have written about how the questions people typically ask in business keep you limited and stuck, without even knowing it.

And compared them to the questions you can ask that lead to soul-aligned, fulfilling, profitable businesses that change the world.

I could give you the transformational questions you can ask now to point yourself in the direction of alignment and clarity about how to attract your ideal clients with ease.

And finally (importantly!) I could invite you to join me for a one-on-one coaching journey into these questions where you’ll tap your deepest purpose, step into the Big Vision that’s calling you, and articulate it in a message and medium that’s natural for you to share. 

If you’re interested in learning more about this Soul Story messaging journey that will 10x your impact, PM me.

(That’s both an example and an actual invitation, by the way.)

Most often, I find that my client-playmates — who are expert coaches, movement therapists, healers and teachers — already have ALL the elements necessary to create soulmate client-attracting content.

What’s needed is to connect your soulmate client’s specific situation to the specific service you offer and a specific invitation to contact you for it.

This is the type of message clarity that will 10x your results right away, without changing anything else.

Yours in creative play,
