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“Something special must leave the room when you leave the room.” – Peter Drucker

Chess boardI like this quote, especially if we rephrase it like this:

Something special leaves the room when you do.

What is that something special?

It’s you.

There’s a special flavor to being you that can only be expressed as you.

You don’t have to try to be yourself. It comes naturally.

You’re always being you, and sometimes, when you don’t have a lot on your mind, you notice it, and the feeling is really, really amazing.

I thought it might be cool to share a bit about what enters the room with me (Stephanie.)

Last night I led a free in person workshop for the local LOFT community here in Portugal, “Tap the Power of Your Message and Share it Fearlessly.”

Attendees included a homeopathic therapist, videographer, art gallery owner, tour guide and software programmers. People hailed from Spain, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, the Ukraine, Japan.

Most of us had never met, and a few brave souls joined at the last minute without knowing what they were getting into.

Yet within minutes of beginning our time together, people were sharing vulnerably about their fears in sharing a message.

How did it happen? Did I spike the water with a drug that makes people get real with perfect strangers?

Of course not. The magic ingredient was me being me.

When people gather with me in a group, they feel safe, and when people feel safe, their true self comes out to play.

Not only do people tend to drop their armor and share vulnerably when I’m around, they take themselves less seriously. They become more playful, and their dreams are coaxed out of hiding. Ideas come alive and people get inspired.

One of my IMPACT members expressed it like this:

“One thing which isn’t really just one thing is the way you show up Steph. Natural, 1000% authentic and willing to take chances and admit when it doesn’t feel comfortable to do so.

“Honestly, the impact you have on others (chat in the breakout rooms) and visual cues from people in the group on zoom is transformational.”

This kind of impact doesn’t happen by using a super secret technique or rapport skills.

It happens because I know where to look for safety, connection and possibilities. I point to and speak from that space as best as I can, and people tend to follow my example because it feels so darn nice.

Without the interference of my insecure thinking, the Stephanie flavor comes out bold and strong in its cinnamon chocolate piri pir spiciness.

(Now I’m craving Aztec hot chocolate.)

What’s the special quality that leaves the room when you do?

It’s worth spending some time with that question. You might notice just how amazing being you really is.

Now, like a merry dragon-loving Pied Piper, I invite you to join my Daily Wildspire Emails list where you’ll get inspired, dream big and take playful actions to design the life and business you desire.

I must warn you that I have an ulterior motive:

The world is better with you in it, enjoying your life, and we get to change the world in beautiful ways just by being ourselves.


Yours in love and play,
