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blueprint designI just had a conversation with a woman who has magically come to live on a gorgeous space of land in Hawaii.

It’s already registered as a non-profit, zoned for building a treatment center, the perfect location for the a wellness sanctuary of her dreams. She wants to build a community to tend and nourish the land.

Here’s where it gets interesting. She doesn’t own the land, nor does she have direct influence over what transpires on it. In addition, the local Hawaiians have protested the land’s ownership by a white man.

I asked how she’d like me to help her, and she said this:

“I don’t have a structure. There’s no foundation or direction for this project. I’d like a blueprint.

Herein lies a common misunderstanding about what I do, both as a coach and mentor.

I don’t give you a blueprint or a system.

I won’t give you the answers or present you with the perfect strategy.

You can hire people to do those things, but that isn’t me.

Rather than giving you a blueprint to follow for your situation or a template you can plug in with your details, I show you where to look to create your own.

Rather than providing answers, I teach you where to look for the most creative solutions.

My job is to point you to the life-navigating equipment that’s built into your human design, and show you how it works. Then you can use it to build, make, do, or learn ANYTHING.

When you know where to look, you have everything you need to find fulfillment, ease and inspiration.

It’s better than a blueprint because it provides real-time direction for any and every situation you may find yourself in, and it doesn’t require willpower or endless energy to use. In fact, it makes life easier and more enjoyable.

So if you’re up for that…

I’d love to talk more about what you’d love to create and what’s really on offer in coaching with me to make it real in the world.

I love nothing more than being a mid-wife for your big dreams and visions. I know how the natural process of creating works, and you’ve got all the necessary equipment. Sometimes you just need me to hold your hand and say, “PUSH!” at the right moment. 😊

If you’re interested, contact me and we’ll have a casual, comfy chat to explore.

Yours in love and play,


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