by Stephanie Benedetto | Mar 26, 2022 | Podcast, Sparks
Listen on the Wildspire podcast here: Listen on Google Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes I’ve been asked to create something and I find myself thinking of you. Funny thing…I can feel thinking of you, but I’m not sure who you is. It feels like you and...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 10, 2021 | Spiritual Business
If you’re waiting on clarity before making changes in your business, you’re looking in a direction that keeps you stuck and uncertain. Clarity is overrated — at least the way most talk about it. When we wait for clarity before taking action, we’re really...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Dec 5, 2020 | Marketing, Unmarketing
If you think that your message is clear, but you aren’t attracting the clients you desire… …providing enough of your prospective clients are actually seeing it… …then your message probably isn’t as clear as you think. (If you’re just starting your...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jul 4, 2020 | Awakened Thoughts, Marketing
Have you ever felt STUCK in your business? I get to play with hundreds of transformational coaches, therapists, experts and creative entrepreneurs in conversation and creation. Most of them come to me with some type of “stuckness.” Sometimes it’s the usual...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 28, 2020 | Awakened Thoughts
I signed up for a 21 day manifesting challenge last month. Each day we were given a small task: create an intention, dance, meditate, write down what you’re grateful for. One thing we weren’t asked to do was take action on our intention. Now all of these things are...