by Stephanie Benedetto | May 17, 2020 | Awakened Thoughts
FEAR. Skeletal fingers clutch my heart, and I am paralyzed. I close my eyes and will it away, all the while caught helpless in its grip. “What is this Fear?” I ask. In a lifetime spent trying to escape Fear, I have never stopped to really look. I have never wondered...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Apr 25, 2020 | Awakened Thoughts
Last week I had a moment of freak out. A few moments of freak out in rapid succession, actually. I’ve had a couple clients tell me that they could no longer afford to pay me for coaching, due to financial hardship. At least one potential client postponed the start of...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Apr 18, 2020 | Awakened Thoughts, Stories
You were born on the back of a sleeping tiger. Have you forgotten? One twitch of its tail can send you hurtling into nothingness. And even now as it slumbers and you are nestled in its fur, at any moment that can change, it may wake and you may find yourself trapped...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Oct 28, 2019 | Awakened Thoughts
A book I have not touched in years opens to this story. A woman lives in a town that is warned of a grave hurricane. They must evacuate. The woman loves her possessions and home too much to leave. She stays when all her neighbors have vacated, disregarding the...
by Stephanie Benedetto | May 17, 2019 | 100 Conversations
While I was at the Brisbane Airport leaving Australia, it seemed like a good time to leave behind some of my biggest fears while I was leaving the country. These were my biggest fears about expressing my true self. Watch this: There’s something truly powerful about...