by Stephanie Benedetto | Oct 18, 2017 | 100 Conversations
I went on some exciting and somewhat uncomfortable adventures over the past few months. One of them involved a Big Bad Wolf! Watch this: Here’s the thing: If you want adventures and change in your life, it’s going to be scary. Embrace it. Live it with everything...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Mar 11, 2017 | Awakened Thoughts
I took an amazing six day yoga therapy training last week. (Here’s the description, in case you’re curious.) It was a crash course in Five Element Theory and acupressure 101, through the prism of yoga. Definitely my idea of a good time. Of course, my deepest learning...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Feb 11, 2017 | 100 Conversations
I have a lot of excuses for why I don’t have what I want. Some of them are pretty convincing. Maybe you can relate? Well, here’s the #1 thing that’s holding me back from really getting what I want. Watch this: Why am I so afraid of change? It’s what I yearn for and...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Dec 2, 2016 | 100 Conversations
What is the message you most need to hear right now? Watch this to find out: For me, it’s usually the message I’m avoiding. Lately, I’ve been seeing a demonic imp, a horrific infant pulling itself across the ground, mouth full of sharp teeth, reaching for me. It’s a...