by Stephanie Benedetto | Mar 20, 2021 | Personal Development, Spirituality
I am a joyful being of light (dragon), but for much of my life was afraid to show it. Last week, I did the Come Home to Your Body Challenge in The Lasting Love Movement Facebook group hosted by Orit Krug in which we shared a video of ourselves dancing each day. It was...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 18, 2019 | Awakened Thoughts
Once there was a successful professional woman who had one secret flaw… She could NOT get herself out of bed in the morning. When she finally got the courage to her coach, she explained all the reasons she wasn’t able to get up in the morning, childhood trauma from...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 11, 2017 | 100 Conversations
A thought experiment from Michael Neill (I just love him!) Watch this: Pretend I’m a casino owner who is going to pay you to play in my club, with my money. All you have to do is show up, play, and look pretty. How would it change your game? How does it change...