by Stephanie Benedetto | Dec 2, 2022 | Experiments, Marketing
Imagine you come to the Services page on a website. It offers only two options on the otherwise white page: $10,000 Conversation $100 Conversation There is no description for either conversation. Which do you choose? “What’s the difference between the $10,000...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 8, 2020 | Personal Development
Mindset issues and money blocks are NOT the problem. If I see one more post telling me that “mindset issues” or “money blocks” are what’s keeping me from being more visible in business or making more money, I’m going to slap someone with a spatula, as a good friend...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jul 4, 2020 | Awakened Thoughts, Marketing
Have you ever felt STUCK in your business? I get to play with hundreds of transformational coaches, therapists, experts and creative entrepreneurs in conversation and creation. Most of them come to me with some type of “stuckness.” Sometimes it’s the usual...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Nov 18, 2019 | Awakened Thoughts
Once there was a successful professional woman who had one secret flaw… She could NOT get herself out of bed in the morning. When she finally got the courage to her coach, she explained all the reasons she wasn’t able to get up in the morning, childhood trauma from...