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Stars | Wild Creation Stories

Stars | Wild Creation Stories

Antidotes to Fear of Death – by Rebecca Elson Sometimes as an antidoteTo fear of death,I eat the stars. Those nights, lying on my back,I suck them from the quenching darkTil they are all, all inside me,Pepper hot and sharp. Sometimes, instead, I stir myselfInto...
Poison: A Tale of Isolation and Healing

Poison: A Tale of Isolation and Healing

Once the children of the earth played and sang together with wild abandon. They came together to build bridges over lakes and streams, plant trees and harvest their fruits. They wove wild flowers through their hair and played games in ripe fields. Then one day, Poison...
Pretending to Be a Good Girl

Pretending to Be a Good Girl

I was very good at pretending to be a good girl. I listened to my parents and teachers. I followed the rules, played nicely with others, shared my toys. I defended the kids who got picked on. I read my Bible, said my prayers and asked for forgiveness. To all...