by Stephanie Benedetto | Aug 28, 2023 | Personal Development
I am an American expat living in Portugal, and this is my story. I’ve immigrated from the United States to Portugal, not for an escape, not after a careful analysis of the options for living abroad, but because I am following what I know. It’s part of my ongoing...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Sep 5, 2021 | Podcast, Wildspire
Peter Sleigh is a transformative coach and friend who I’ve dubbed Peter the Profound because of the deep questions he asks and the profound stillness he inspires. When I asked Peter what conversation he’d most like to have, he said, “An exploratory conversation where...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jun 14, 2021 | Awakened Thoughts
I began my personal Surrender Experiment five years ago. I’d read Michael Singer’s book, The Surrender Experiment, in which he shares the journey of relinquishing all preferences and saying YES to everything life brings. He ends up creating a meditation retreat...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Jan 28, 2017 | 100 Conversations
Right now I’m struggling with something. I’m not quite sure what to make of it. Watch this: What I know about what’s possible is just the tiniest sliver of what’s available to us. How can I create a goal without clinging so tightly that I miss something even better...
by Stephanie Benedetto | Dec 25, 2016 | Awakened Thoughts
I’ve been reading a lot of books lately — The Untethered Soul, The Presence Process, The Surrender Experiment — all about the spiritual journey and enlightenment. They’re great reads with lots of provocative questions about how to relieve suffering and...