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frog lounging in a bathtub

Six years ago I was wandering around Portland, Oregon asking random people if they knew where you could find a $3 bathtub.

Actually, I wasn’t the one asking; my nutty friend was asking about bathtubs and beavers, but I giggled and went along for the ride.

Needless to say, it was a very bizarre period in my life.

This was the time when I stumbled upon a weird and counter-intuitive philosophy that makes it easier to create what you desire.

Most people will never do it because it seems like the exact opposite of what you ought to be doing.

I adapted this Jedi mind-trick from two of my wacky interests from back then: Carolyn Elliott’s (now rebranded as Carolyn Lovewell) “Existential Kink” process and the Access Consciousness clearing statement.

Are you ready to learn this bit of mind wizardry?

Let’s go on a little adventure…

Step 1 – Think of something you REALLY want. It should feel so awesomely amazing it gives you the tingles, the giggles or brings a huge grin to your face.


Step 2- Write it down as a sentence that captures the sparkle and fire as much as possible.

Step 3 – Write a sentence expressing your willingness to have the exact opposite of what you want. Make it really, really over-the-top awful.

So if my giggle-worthy sentence is, “I have a million dollars in the bank,” my opposite sentence might be…

“I am willing to be penniless and more incapable of making, finding or keeping money than anyone who ever existed in the history of time.”

Yeah, make it that bad.

Step 4 – Say it out loud and notice how it feels.

Keep saying it and noticing. What if it was really okay to not only never achieve what you desire, but for it to be absolutely hopeless?

If you stay with it for a bit and let the emotions play through you, at some point you may notice something interesting.

It’s absolutely, hysterically funny. You’re behaving ridiculously about a few mumbly words, when nothing is happening.

You might even feel a little bit aroused by the aliveness of the whole game.

“Now what’s the point of all this, Steph?” you may ask.

Great question!

Here’s my take on why this might be helpful, or at least, why it’s been helpful for me.

When you really want something, it’s almost always because it has a big and important meaning for you. Having a million bucks means security, proves your worth or that you’re better than the bullies who picked on you.

We tend to have a lot of very sticky and conflicted thinking about our intense desires.

When you explore the willingness to NOT have what you desire long enough, something releases. The tension dissipates as you contemplate that it might not be so bad. In fact, it might even be fun.

Suddenly, you’re free.

You’re no longer stuck in the positive story of your dream or its nightmare opposite. It becomes clear that both are entirely made up.

When you let go of what you desire, creating it gets a whole lot easier, because you’re not hauling around a 💩 ton of thinking about it.

You give yourself permission to not have what you want, and notice that you’re still okay. The world didn’t end.

Maybe you still want it, but maybe you don’t.

And if you decide to go after it, you can put the pedal to the metal and go for a joy ride, not caring if you ever get there. If and when your desire manifests, it’s just the icing on the cake.

You’ve engaged the power of a pure intention, when you desire something with nothing on it. This is you at your full creative potential.

If this crazy idea intrigues or irritates you, I invite you to spend a little time with it. Journal, if that’s your thing, or sit and ponder the “nightmare” of never getting what you want.

Now I can’t guarantee this will do anything for you. You’re the only one who can create our own experience.

But I can promise to share lots of playful and provocative thought experiments and activities like this designed to reveal the true creative power at your fingertips, in our upcoming program REFLECT: Rediscover Joyful Direction, Focus and Ease.

You’ll find it easier and more enjoyable to be alive and create the life and business of your dreams than ever before. And we’re going to giggle and play our way to it in style.

Get REFLECT with your IMPACT membership here: https://www.theawakenedbusiness.com/impactinvite

Yours in love and play,
