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What I’m Doing Now

(This is a now page inspired by Derek Sivers, and if you have your own website, you might like to make one, too.) Updated January 1, 2025 from Nazaré, Portugal.

Finishing the holidays in Nazaré.

It’s Big Wave season here! We got to see jet skis bring the surfers out to the Big Waves, and watch them ride the barrels. Fascinating! And I have no idea to put surfing those waves on my bucket list. The town is charming, walkable and the weather has been sunny every day. Definitely wishing my Portuguese was better, but I’ve been practicing more in restaurants and Ubers.

Preparing for the REFLECT program!

REFLECT is the sixth experience in the IMPACT membership, in which we’ll slow down and celebrate our accomplishments from the past year. Then review, reflect and reassess your life from within to invite the inspired creation of what’s next. You can get on the Wait List here.

The Daily Email Habit Experiment continues – it’s a keeper.

I purchased John Bejakovic’s Daily Email Habit subscription over a month ago with the commitment to do a 30 day experiment. I love writing daily emails! It’s proven wonderful for clarifying my thinking and my message even further. Plus, it’s a natural for me.

It’s inspired me to make my email list a more prominent offer and to invite more people to enjoy it. New ways to promote coming next.

Mapping out what it means to get Paid to Be Me.

I always thought about “getting paid to be me” as a business where I get the products, services and market lined up right. As a result, I was trying to fit my interests into a business model.

Well, it occurred to me that getting paid to be me isn’t a business model at all. It’s much simpler than that. I’m mapping out the projects that are alive for me, and letting the structure reveal itself. It’s closer to “me just being me” than I’ve ever conceived of before. It lets me create a garden of projects and interests where I can tend to them as their needs and my desires dictate. I visit each one and see what it requires.

I’m gently wondering about…

  • Just how easy and fun making, spending, accumulating and managing money can be.
  • Is it really possible to enjoy the feelings I don’t prefer? Really?
  • How does habitual thinking fall away when it’s impossible to notice? Because it does.