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What I’m Doing Now

(This is a now page inspired by Derek Sivers, and if you have your own website, you might like to make one, too.)

Updated July 1st, 2024 from my home in the Algarve, Portugal.

Creating my GROW program.

GROW is the fourth experience in the IMPACT membership, and this month I’ll be promoting and launching it. As with each of these experiences, I get more and more excited as it comes together.

The focus of GROW is to choose one thing you’d like to grow/expand/evolve and run your own personal four-week experiment. We’ll each have an individual experiment, but we’ll support each other in community.

Dreaming, planning and inviting people to in person events during from visit to the US in September and October.

While in the US, I plan to visit family, friends and clients for various adventures. Some of them are developing into events and retreats.

3 day small group retreat in Bradenton, Florida (October 3rd – 7th). I’ve joined forces with my good friends Tom Mattox, Kate Roberts and Bernie Kettle to create a retreat for no more than 12 people at the beautiful Sundara estate on the Braden River. Our theme is still to be determined, but it’s hovering being yourself: enoughness, ease, brilliance. More details to come!

2 day experience in Durango, CO (tentatively September 28th – 29th). I’m partnering with my sister-in-law Monica Benedetto to create a transformational event that may or may not include movement, leadership, community building, creativity exercises and more. Stay tuned to see what emerges.

Reviewing and reflecting on market research for new projects and services.

As part of the Authentic Market Discovery course, I’ve been having conversations with entrepreneurs. My next step is to compile the information and reflect on what offers or services to create. Most likely, this will be reflected in the GROW program, since much of my feedback has been regarding the aspects of business people would like to grow or improve.

Marinating on a pilot for a “Radio Station” to connect people and projects looking for each other.

Last year while I was pondering my friend, Simon Grant’s CHOICE and RegenMatch project, an idea dropped in to create a “radio station” that would pick up the signals of changemakers already being broadcast and put them on a “channel” where they could be discovered. The idea has since evolved and I may begin experimenting with a simple prototype for communities such as the Three Principles, Karma Bank and the Radiant IRIS projects. It’s moving!

Listening to Nothing

Last month I did an experiment in listening to the Space Within for guidance on money creation. My listening at first was very directive, listening for “the answer.” It gradually softened and opened up many new insights.

I’m continuing to do this each morning, without the drive felt last month. After all, why wouldn’t I listen to nothing at any time throughout the day?

Creating a choreography for a dance performance.

In the process of completing my Impossible Dance last year, I fell in love with pole dance. It requires strength, body awareness, musicality and a whole host of other skills that have me on a steep learning curve. It’s taught me so much about how to fall in love with learning, allowing myself to absolutely suck, and how much fun it can be. My next adventure will be partnering with my instructors at Pole With a View to choreograph a new dance performance.

I’m gently wondering about…

  • What am I not yet seeing about the effortless creation of money?
  • Seeing through the illusion of the self without getting caught up in the illusion of the self by trying to “let go” of it. 😂
  • What have I made up in my life about “how it’s supposed to be” that really doesn’t work for me anymore?